
Do foreign governments have access to Social Security Disability payment records?

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This is the situation...I'm on disability and I met a German woman while I was in the states. She later decided to go back to her home country, and I missed her terribly...I moved over to be with her, both of us planning to get married. However this is the problem

She has a child and is on welfare. When my disability payments transfer to Euros, I only get half of what I was paid. If she tells the welfare office that I get disability payments in another country, they'll cut her right off--COMPLETELY. And I know d**n well that no family of 3 can live off of $300 a month with the man not being able to work.

At the same time, I'm afraid if I marry, the Social Security office will find out about it and cut me off.

What is the smart thing to do in my situation?




  1. Given that benefit fraud can bring prison time in both countries, your only option is to play it straight.

    The US does share income information with other countries and vice versa so there is a pretty good chance that you'll be caught out.  At the very least, you'd be deported and declared persona non gratis, i.e. barred from ever returning.  That would probably apply through the EU as well, leaving you few options to be together.

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