
Do fraternal twins feel eachothers' feels??

by  |  earlier

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dooo theyy??i wanna know cuz me and my twin do but i think were fraternal...!!




  1. If you're a twin...I'm not sure how you don't know whether you are fraternal or not.  I'm a twin...and we are fraternal.

    Growing up, my brother always got sick when I got sick.  I always thought he just wanted attention since I was getting it.  lol  However, when I went into labor (started in the morning) with my first brother said he felt sick all day long.  My family called him after I delivered....  He said he should have known something was up, because he felt sick all day.  Go figure.....

    To answer your question...I don't know.

  2. well it is more stronger when you are just twins, but with fraternal it works too..... just you don't sense it as much as other closer twins.

  3. It's possible, as sometimes, even a mom will know when her child  has been in an accident etc.

    Sounds like you answered your own question, you and your twin do.

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