
Do free sites love us so much because they are nice or because of money?

by  |  earlier

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Do MSN/Yahoo/Pogo/IcQ/AIM care about customers or do they attempt to keep the majority of us happy because they know advertisers hunt our lives and our clicks? Besides, if we dont like AIM, we can go and make MSN money....




  1. It depends on your view of business/marketing - I see a symbiotic relationship:

    The company provides a superior service, therefore you do business with them and make them money.

    Their motivation, bottom line, is the shareholder's dollar, but by better caring for the customer, treating the customer properly, that can be a byproduct w/o being on the forefront of their minds.

  2. i think a little of both.

    they made it free because they want customers

    since they have alot of customers advertisments want to appear to the customers soo then like they will pay money to the site to advertise there.

    ok well its kinda confusing but i hope  you get what im trying to sayy


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