
Do french people give you dirty looks If they assume your american?

by Guest56148  |  earlier

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(and if u can share your experiences)




  1. In 30 years of traveling to France, I have never been mistreated.  France is like anywhere else:  smile and they will smile back.  Learn a few words of French, and the French will be much more helpful to you, and will trypically respond in English.  The biggest problem I see is Americans making demands in loud English.

  2. No more than Americans give people dirty looks if they assume they are French.

  3. I have been visiting France on a regular basis for almost 35 years.  People don't need to "assume" I'm American, I make it perfectly clear that I am.

    The most angry, bitter, anti-American person I ever met in Paris was an American expatriate.

    I occasionally do meet a mindless anti-American Frenchmen. they are very few and far between. No big deal. There are morons in every corner of the world.

    I do meet a lot of people who have no use for American foreign policy, are critical of  with American culture, or otherwise have principled issues with America.

    We argue about it, we have some wine, sometimes we come to agreement, other times we don't. Either way there is no personal animosity involved.

    The French love to argue. Its the national sport. They are very good at it. Their schools prepare them for it by teaching them critical thinking, facts and analytic technique. They do this while American students are learning to "feel good about themselves."

    I couple of years ago I was with a party of American tourists and got involved in a lively argument with a Frenchmen about something political. One of the American girls started to freak out. "You're acting like an American" she said to me. The French guy turned to her and said "No, he's acting like a Frenchman. We argue about everything."

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