
Do frogs eat earthworms?

by Guest33156  |  earlier

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do they?




  1. not sure. but, do worms eat frogs dead bodies? i say yes. In this way, we see the duality of nature.

  2. Our tadpole collection (dont ask, I have a toddler) seems to really like them.

  3. No

  4. yes they do,i have been feeding dead earthworms to my frog for 2 years and it seems to be ok!

  5. Yes, I think so..

  6. yes :)

    frogs love bugs  

    ( flies, worms, grass hoppers, crickets )

    good luck ! :)

  7. Yes. Both frogs and toads will eat earthworms They are largely carnivorous.

  8. I think so!

  9. No they do not.Frogs eat bugs.

  10. Yes, they do, but that is not all they eat....

  11. No, they might try to but they regurgitate it. There digestive systems cannot handle earthworms because they eat dirt and a frog cannot digest dirt.

  12. No. They are insectivorous.

  13. I know you already have plenty of correct answers, but I just had to say that the person who said frogs can't digest the dirt earthworms eat is obviously smoking something.

    Worms do NOT eat dirt.  They eat plant material, and their "castings" (p**p) makes up a good deal of the "dirt" in an area that has worms.

  14. Ya I think so? Good question!

  15. yes

  16. Err, I dont know.

    Do they? <_<


  17. yes but not the best thing for them

  18. frogs eat virtually any living thing that will fit in their mouth

  19. yes but they eat crickets more

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