
Do frogs give you warts?

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i don't think frogs give you warts... you?




  1. I think its toads that give you warts.  

  2. Don't be silly! Warts are caused by a virus, not by frogs.

    here is also a link

  3. Frogs do not give warts. Neither do toads.

    Something off

    "Basically warts are a virus that human skin can pick up. And wart viruses are ubiquitous, that means it's everywhere in the community … it's the Human Papilloma Virus, which we basically call HPV."

    So there you have it. Hope this breaks the myth!

    Oh one more thing...I think people made that up so that their kiddies wouldn't get dirty and pick them up!

  4. No, they don't.  

  5. Lol .. no they don't.  Warts are caused by a virus.

  6. Neither frogs nor toads can give you warts.  Warts are caused by the HPV virus, which cannot infect either frogs or toads.  Toad warts are there to release poisons so that predators leave them alone.  They usually can't poison you, though, unless you actually try to l**k one.

    That's illegal l*****g toads, BTW.  Hallucinogenic, etc.

  7. yes and when you kiss them they turn into princes

  8. Only if you kiss them! literally frog+bad dates=std!! hahah!

  9. frogs don't give you warts...toads do though. :(

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