
Do fruitflies come when they smell fruit, or do they come from inside the fruit?

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Do fruitflies come when they smell fruit, or do they come from inside the fruit?




  1. They will be attracted to fruit or any applicable food source.  The come from inside the fruit in that they lay eggs in it.

  2. They are not from the fuit, they are from outside and sometimes can come through your drains.  They LOVE bananas.  You can pour a little bleach down the drain to help if you discover they are comming from the drains.

  3. Both.

    The reproduce by laying eggs in the skins of fruit.

    The larva eat fruit, pupate, hatch, then they fly off

    to mate and search for more fruit in which to lay eggs.

    It's almost unavoidable that some of the fruit you

    bring home will have a few eggs in the skin that wil come out as the fruit ripens.

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