
Do fry eat each other?

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I have a fry tank with molly, swordtail, platy, and guppy fry. They are all different ages, as my fish are always having fry. I noticed the other day one of my bigger platy fry was chasing my smaller guppy fry. A little later, I saw part of a guppy fry body at the bottom of the tank. Do bigger fry eat the smaller fry? If so, should I get another tank for the bigger fry? I don`t want my fry all gobbled up by the others.




  1. yes 2 cms and up fry will eat smaller fry it is best to get a floating hatchery it is cheap and saves u spending money out on a new tank  

  2. If there is a big size difference and make sure you are feeding them enough ok.

  3. If there is a big difference between the size of the fry than maybe they could.

  4. I actually bought a 5 gallon tank for my newborn fry and use a 10 gallon tank for my older fry due to this problem. I don`t like keeping my fry in tha breeding net because I feel they need more space to swim and grow. After witnessing my older fry eating my smaller fry, I tried putting breeding grass in the tank to give the smaller fry a safe haven, but, all in all, I just went to goodwill and bought a tank for $2.00 for my new fry.

  5. I only have experience with betta fry, but I have indeed witnessed larger fry chomping down on their stunted siblings. I would separate the larger fry from the smaller fry so no one gets turned into lunch.
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