
Do games that involve martial arts portray said martial art correctly?

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tekken, vf, mortal kombat do these games portray the correct martial arts in terms of style, fighting and kata




  1. im sure there are a lot of things that are different or mis-represented, but one thing i find interesting...

    With newer games with better graphics, primarily motion capture is used, so they must be getting people with at the very least the knowledge and basics, but i agree with everyone else, the actual martial art is most likely portrayed wrong or just has stuff added in for entertainment...

  2. There are many REAL, HUMAN so-called practitioners out here with all kinds of degrees in multiple arts that don't portray martial arts correctly!

    I have seen some of these video games and even though they are quite amusing, the accuracy of the intricacies and details is not correct.

    (Tao J - that was hysterical!)

  3. Not even close.LOL

  4. One old computer game I used to play : "Budokan"  portrayed the martial arts you used pretty accurately.

    You had the bo staff, nunchaku, Kendo, and karate. Even if you advanced to black belt in ONE of those martial arts, you could still be a white-belt in the other three.  

    The movements in each one were pretty accurate--well, as accurate as they could be for a 2-D game.

    And just like in real life, your character would become tired while training or fighting . He would tire very quickly if you used too many fancy techiques in a row (like a jumping spin-kick)--and that reduced his speed, the power of his attacks, and the ability to block.

    It wasn't as exciting or flashy as games like Mortal Kombat or Streetfighter 2, but it was very realistic.

    I wish they'd remake it into a 3-D version.

  5. They are BASED on those styles,  meaning that the moves are influenced on the styles described, remember they are video games, thus fictional.

  6. no not usally but dead or alive tends to

  7. Hahahahahahahaahafart.  Oops.  Excuse me.

    No and here's why:

    There are no "finishing moves" in reality.

    There are no flying razor hats that chop people in half in reality.

    Humans cannot take the amount of punishment that video game characters can.

    Video game characters do have some of the "flavor" of the martial artist, but just like movies, cartoons, etc. they do not actually portray kata, style, etc. correctly.  I suppose the most realistic portrayal of martial arts is Virtua Fighter...but it's still a video game.

  8. Some of the moves are as well as some of the characters in the first movie, Mortal Combat were patterned after some of the NASKA national competitors.  Among them Daniel Pasina, Chris Cassamassa, and Ho San Pak.

  9. No, no, not Tekken or Mortal Kombat, but, the new Virtua Fighter 5 seems to portray some styles correctly, like the Monk that does Shaolin or Lion's Mantis style....but very loosely, they're still shockingly accurate compared to other games, I was shocked when I chose the Monk, I realized that we had some similar techniques....

  10. I love Tekken and the Soul Caliber series, to be like the Tonfa wielding Talim is my dream, *picture that!*  LOL!

    Even though I am not too familiar with all the art styles, I can see alot of the moves are mimicked as accurately as possible however they are exaggerated for effects.

  11. Correctly? No.

  12. video games portray martial arts about as accurately as living in arizona portrays what life is like in the paleolithic.

    they portray them as well as apples portray bannanas.

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