
Do geminis get attached?

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i have a gemini best friend and she seems to get attached a lot!

i thought that being air they were detached..





  2. don't believe all the things people say.

    i am a gemini and i like being attach, i love being in a relationship.

    other people are going with the word air which is all over but it's not the people.

    i known gemini men who are attach for long time and are still in the same relationship.

    believe me if you don't like the girl or guy of course you will be unattach. this goes for all sign, even the female, of all sign is you are not that into it, you won't give in much time into the relationship.

    but people from all sign when they truely love a person whether they are air, water, hearth or fire signs there will commit. most of what people are saying about gemini are not true, unless you are in our shoes. some said that we are party animals but i am not, and like to read, watch movies and travel.

    don't believe everything there are saying. we can all commit if you are in love and want to and that goes for all signs, and the other way around we won't if you feel the person doesn't deserve it or don't really like the person.

  3. The female Gemini's are a different breed than the males.  Female Gemini actually do form emotional attachments to people and value their friendships. You get more give and take with them than you do the males. The males have you around only because they have some use for you---there is very little flowing in the other direction, and the only person he ever truly is attached to is himself.

    All Air signs are EMOTIONALLY detached, meaning they are in their heads more than their hearts and when dealing with an issue they work it out mentally. It doesn't necessarily mean detachment from people. In fact, they love being around people.

  4. I think geminis def do get attached, if they have formed a meaningful connection--like once they are attached, they're attached.  

    Maybe it may take longer for them (if it does) to form an attachment to others or to really notice/acknowledge it, b/c they are kind of ADD--and are constantly searching for their missing twin (which is never really

    I think they even feel the need to search for their twin (even if they know they would never find it), b/c I've noticed that a lot of gems tend to feel incomplete (not so much in the libra sense-like they need a partner or something), but something is just missing......

    when I find it, I'll let someone know.

  5. I am  Gemini..and I am attached with the same person I'm in love for about 13 years now..about the clingy attitude.. i sometimes do it on purpose, just to makes the person feel good..and i sometimes need a time and space for myself..need to be alone.

  6. Hey Kristy :)!

    My best friend is a Gemini. I am  a very forgetful girl, not on purpose, my mind just goes BLANK a lot. but anyways, she is very attached. She often calls or texts me saying "You forgot about me already huh?" or complaining that i dont check up on her enough. My boyfriend is the same way, although i'd prefer the term clingy not attached when it comes to him!

    I dont think Gemini is a detached sign.. i dont know why they get that stereotype.

  7. Yes, we (many of us) become very attached. In addition, some of us love caring for people in general as opposed to just being around them..

  8. Come on Kristy, you know very well that there is more going on in the chart than the Sun sign. What are her Moon and Rising signs? Does she have any significant house placings? She could be less airy than you think.

    I am filled with Libra, but I consider myself very attached emotionally to people that I care about. I always base my decisions on how I feel, not on what I think.

    I also have a Gemini friend that is very clingy and attached. She is always there for you when you need her, and she cares a lot about what's going on in people's lives, and not in a shallow way...And she is without significant water.

    Edit: Well, the Moon can make all of the difference. : )

  9. I have very little knowledge of geminis. having said that I can tell you that the one I've been amrried to for 38 years has very few friends, but they last a lifetime

  10. yes but their split personality doesn't

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