
Do geologists all believe in Global Warming or just cracker-jack geology students?

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Geologist Bruno Wiskel of the University of Alberta recently reversed his view of man-made climate change and instead became a global warming skeptic. Wiskel was once such a big believer in man-made global warming that he set out to build a "Kyoto house" in honor of the UN sanctioned Kyoto Protocol which was signed in 1997. Wiskel wanted to prove that the Kyoto Protocol's goals were achievable by people making small changes in their lives. But after further examining the science behind Kyoto, Wiskel reversed his scientific views completely and became such a strong skeptic. He wrote a book titled "The Emperor's New Climate: Debunking the Myth of Global Warming." He says glaciers have been coming and going for billions of years." and that global warming has gone "from a science to a religion" ."If you funnel money into things that can't be changed, the money is not going into the places that it is needed.". It seems pretty simple to me.




  1. They're very soon going to be out of scientists and full on PR people and politicians...  That will be about it.

  2. Do you understand what a geologist is?   Geologists study rocks and minerals, not the climate.   Get at least some type of clue before spouting off please.

  3. Most geologists do not believe in global warming.

  4. Do you have a link, or is this just more BS?

  5. Who trains and hires geologists?  People who are looking for something in the ground... coal, oil, natural gas.  

    Many geologists believe that their employers are threatened by replacing coal-fired power plants and reducing gasoline consumption, or they're indirectly threatened by competition as many of their colleagues suddenly appear on the job market as those industries decline.  

    Despite that inherent conflict of interest and built-in bias in the profession, the American Geophysical Union has recently strengthened their statement contirming the reality and threat of global warming.

    I agree that writing governments a new blank check through new taxes is a poor way to respond to the challenge facing us, but embracing a poorly supported and agenda-driven viewpoint is not the way to effectively combat either problem (global warming or government inefficiency and ineffectivelness).

  6. This Australians geologist does not.

    He raises many good points.

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