
Do germans and austrians hate swiss people?

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I am learning german in high school, and my german teacher is ethenically german but he grew up in america, he was describing the gernan speaking countries, and he talked about switzerland in a rude way, he was trying to imitate a swiss person and he said "Who needs to join your stupid european union, then we will have to give money to poor countries, were swiss, we,ve got mountains and lakes and we dont need to join your stupid union." Everybody in my class laughed, but I was actually offended by that. when I went to europe switzerland was my favourite country, and swiss people were the nicest Ive ever met, they were glad to help us if we needed directions and actually like the fact that you are visiting their country, while germans on the other hand were infact very rude and unwilling to help us if we were lost, and they looked at us as if I were a r****d or something. so do germans and austrians generally hae swiss people, or is it just my teacher




  1. Guest57699

    The swiss people are very good friends, but it needs time to win theirs sympathie

  2. I can't stand stupid Swiss German, which is just an uneducated, peasant dialect. I also find the Swiss very unfriendly, whereas the Germans are definitely much friendlier and cooler. The Swiss are reserved, stuck-up and cold.

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