
Do getting wisdom teeth out hurt?

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i am getting my wisdom teeth out soon and have heard that it hurts bad and some say it doesnt.

what should i do? and i am scared about getting an iv.




  1. oh god yes, it hurts for days.

  2. it's not bad as everyone makes it seem. I had mine pulled out yesterday. I was also scared about the iv and waking up after but it goes by fast.

    I really haven't had any pain or any swelling. just use an ice pack.

    you'll be fine :)

  3. an iv? that sounds fishy to me. i never got an iv. i got novacaine and nitros oxide. i only had discomfort but they prescribe pain killers so you'll be fine. when it comes down to it, it is all in the mind. Stay up!

  4. it hurts bad take some ibuprofen before

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