
Do ghosts actually exist?

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Has anybody ever seen one personally (rather than heard about it from a third person)?




  1. I personally haven't, however I've watched way too many shows and read way too many stories for it to all be lies. I believe in spirits and an afterlife, or else life would be sorta depressing, wouldn't it? Anyway, I think that the chills you get outta nowhere has something to do with it. :P

  2. Yes they DO EXIST and I saw one too. Depends on which type you see, a kind one or the devilish one. Thank God mine was a kind one (a little shy also).

  3. Depends on what you think, most people think they don't, but actually they do I have 4 in my house..try doing some evp work..they have woken me up before by banging on my sheets (kyle the 12 year old wanted to play)

    How to do that:take a recorder and record, ask questions about ghosts and stuff and when you review it you can here sounds and noises you cant here by the human ear (sorry this is sooo long) AND YESS! THEY EXIST!

  4. Yes, ghosts and spirits do exist!!!!  There are many people who just simply say, " no there's no such things as ghosts. "  I kinda feel sorry for people like this because they really have a closed mind to the things that may be out there....anything. They will miss some new and exciting things. How can anyone say that there's not this or that, Spirits or ghosts out there?  No one knows what all is out there in our world or in the universe or other places that we don't know about. People with closed minds will miss out on some cool things no matter what they are because they choose to keep their eyes closed shut. I'm glad that I'm not one of those people.

    I have experienced a few things in my life that were and are paranormal. They have been exciting experiences for me. I've learned a lot about whats around me and what I don't know what's around me.

    Here's my real experiences with the unknown, the paranormal........When I was a child around the age of 9 or 10 we had to put our dog Ginger to sleep due to illness. Ginger was 16 years old. A couple of days later I began hearing scratching from within my closet door on the door with some whining. For nights I would hear this and when I looked inside there was nothing. Only Gingers old favorite blanket she had had since a puppy. I had put it in there after she died.

    Then one morning I awoke to the bed trembling a bit and when I looked towards the end of the there was Gingers tail go back and forth. I also began hearing her whine. When I looked she vanished. The next day I asked my dad to burn her blankly because I felt that she needed it and I wanted the noises and stuff to stop. He burned Gingers blankly that night. A day or two later I had a dream. I & my parents were standing in an empty room. It was so bright. The brightest light that I had ever seen. It got brighter as I looked down the room. Suddenly I saw Ginger running towards us with her tail wagging and she was so excited. She ran up to us running around our legs jumping up. So Happy!!!!  Then she turned away and ran back up to the light. It was like she was saying, " Hello, I love you and I'm happy and doing great."  Both my parents had the same dream as myself. I was so happy to find out that my Ginger was happy and doing great. Made it a lot easier to deal with her death. It was a gift given to myself and do my parents.

    My mother has recently taken up photography. She lives in the woods in the middle of no where land. She's been taking pic's in her backyard where's there's also a lake. When we develop these pic's we find all types of spirits/ghosts on them. All seem to be from the 1800's. Mostly children are seen. Lots of faces of people. Some animals. etc. To me this is so awesome, exciting!!!!!  And there's a couple of other experiences as well but I would end up writing more of a book.

  5. Yes...I don't like to talk about it...but it was scarey. I was at my grandfathers house...a fairly nice home...and everytime I tried to go to sleep I felt a heaviness on me. I woke up and saw a man walk out of his guest room. Later that day, my grandfather mentioned that a man died there before they bought the house.

  6. yes they r real i have seen them heard them  

  7. Yes they absolutely do.  My family kind of lived in this huge hotel, it was a restaurant,bar,bowling alley, and had 3 floors th second floor was basically a hotel, the third was a dance floor. We would stay in the biggest of the rooms and on several occasions I would wake up at night and hear footsteps while everyone was in the room with me.  Also there was a ghost who would slam doors shut.  It would freak even the most hardened skeptic out with how loud that was.  And everyone would be in the same room.  They real alright.    

  8. No, I've never seen one =[ but I do believe.

  9. I think I have seen one. I don't know, please read this question for yourself and you'll understand:;...

  10. yes i saw a boy in my downstairs closet before

  11. yes ive saw one before........ and im not quite sure about this one, but i thought i saw a shadow person one time... but it was wayyyyy too fast to tell anything... coulda just been my eyes..

  12. its true  

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