
Do ghosts celebrate Christmas?

by Guest32370  |  earlier

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Do ghosts celebrate Christmas?




  1. Depends on their belief system I'm fairly certain the good Jewish and Hindu (and other non Christians) ghosts don't celebrate Christmas.

  2. Of course they do.  Depends on what type of spirit they are & if they are aware they are dead.

  3. It is possible that they celebrate Christmas and other holidays.  They probably don't celebrate in the same sense as we the living do.  They probably don't go to a haunted house somewhere and sit down to a ghostly feast.

    My belief is that ghosts celebrate the holidays with the remaining living relatives of their families.  If the family were to learn to be more open to the idea, maybe they will realize their loved ones never did really leave them.  After all, they'd love to conitnue to be part of the ceremonies.  

    Sometimes no one can sense them, not even the children, who are more prone to being sensitive to paranormal activity than adults.  This can usually be caused by being caught up in the hullabaloo that is the holidays.  The family is focused more on the holiday than the visitation of the deceased family member(s).

    Now, one reason why they may appear is because usually during the holidays, we tend to remember family members who have passed on.  We can be talking about anything, and someone might suddenly bring up Uncle Dave or Aunt Muriel or Grandpa Jack in some way.  Maybe recall how Uncle Dave used to tell a story about his service in the War, or how everyone misses Aunt Muriel's chocolate-coated peanut butter cookies, or some of the funny jokes Grandpa Jack used to tell.  Perhaps these relatives have paid us a visit, and are whispering in someone's ear about that, and we tend to think it just "popped" into our head.

    I had an experience similar to this at a friend's parents' house for Thanksgiving.  One of her cousins had committed suicide about six or seven years prior.  The family began talking of different things dealing with the cousin.  Her mother, my friend's aunt, happened to be there at the dinner.  My friend's boyfriend snuck up behind her sister, who was sitting in a chair, and wrestled with her.  The sister threw him back, and he bumped into a bookcase that was right behind the chair.  The bookcase mainly had picture frames and various ceramic knickknacks.  The only item that fell was a picture of the cousin.  Later on that evening one of the surviving cousins found a guitar strap that belonged to the deceased cousin.  They thought it was my friend's little brother's strap, but he said his was solid black.  The cousin's strap, which was the one found on the ground outside, was rainbow-patterned.

  4. Just past Christmas'. Just teasing. I gather that a spirit or a ghost may linger a bit for a family gathering or holiday... why not?

  5. I think if church people hang around (don't go straight to Heaven or wherever....I think they would go to church still on be with their church friends.

  6. They do ... every Christmas...but you cant see them ....CAUSE THEY'RE GHOSTS!!!!

  7. Do they know it's Christmas time at all?

  8. No, only Haloween

  9. If they celebrated it on this side of the veil, they would be around on the other, perhaps stop by to see their loved ones.

  10. Of course they do!  Why do you think I buy all those extra presents....the ones they return, and I find in my closet in February!  lol

  11. Not really. There with the One Source and I don't think they worry about our trivial holliday's since there with Him. Would you spend the holliday's here or with the One Source(God)?

  12. Another trick question from the Internets foremost paranormal expert.The answer is yes and no.As you know a ghost becomes suspended in the time of their death.Hence,the lack of fashion sense in clothes..So it follows, no to most ghosts.However the ghosts that died on Christmas celebrate for eternity.Great question,it keeps us on our toes."Mistle" toes that is.

  13. yeah and they eat full turkeys.

  14. i don't know...maybe with their family...

  15. not all, only christian ghosts...

  16. HAHAH you must be joking.

  17. I believe the ghosts in A Christmas Carol do.  It made them famous after all!

  18. It depends on what the soul individually believes in. And this doesn't mean the soul won't believe in Christ if it was an atheist in life. The multitude of lifes, experiences and chances may offer the entity different points of view. On other hand, Christmas is not just meant for Christians, since it became "the day to give presents", more than "the day to worship Jesus". The great amount of publicity changed the aims of Christmas, focusing in the myth of Santa Claus (that was, anyway, Saint Nicholas, a Christian bishop).

  19. If u believe in ghost,they do

  20. How ridiculous. Of course "ghosts" in the plural don't. Only the Christian ones do. It doesn't matter about those of the other faiths as they are too busy suffering in the depths of h**l to celebrate much of anything.

  21. well if jesus was born on christmas day, id think he would be celebrating his own birthday and all the souls that are with him in heaven.....jesus would have more reason to celebrate than we would......

  22. I wouldn't think so.  I don't think that they have any concept of time.  Holidays wouldn't matter to them.  Maybe the only things they would keep track of would be whatever dates were issues with them (date of their passing).

  23. Only the Christian ones

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