
Do ghosts exist I need proof?

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I am not sure if i belive in ghosts (I need proof) any pics, vids or anything as proof





  1. Perhaps if you would like to experience an astral communication to spirits or what you described as ghost.

      Astral projection is one of the safest ways to do so if you have guardian angles and a tutor.

      Astral projection is when  your astral body, or spirit travels instead of your physical body, to do so, a person must concentrate hard on a particular object or sound till your mind is throughly hipnotized, Negative energy may be in the way, due to the fact you may not trust this new technique.

    Once successfull, you may just picture the ghost of the person you wish to see, you would be there in a matter of seconds, astral travelling is much like a bullet train.

      Do not worry, you may return to your body any time you wish to mentally.

    Good luck on your search of evidence, and hope you are successfull for the answer you wish to get.

  2. Alright, I don't know if you know this but there is a group/ reality tv show called TAPS stands for The Alanatic paranormal Society. They go to haunted houses all over USA and find real stuff with thermal cameras and EVP

    This is the scariest eposide i ever saw. You can see a ghost walk back and forth down the hallway in a thermal camera. It just woke me up like bang. Heres the eposide on youtube.

  3. ghosts are very real the best way to know is to go somewhere that has had paranormal reports and phononamia

  4. Proof? As in scientific evidence? There is none. It's all fantasy and paranoia.

  5. Yes, as a human experience that has been reported at least since the invention of written language (writing).

    What ghost are (surviving spirits to people's hallucinations) remains an open question.

    From a scientific perspective there is no proof of anything, only evidence in support of a hypothesis.

    Thus, you would have to first start by defining what would you accept as proof. One of the tricks of the professional skeptics is to define what they would accept as proof and then decide it is not enough when all their criteria have been met.

    Some very old and extremely well written books on the subject are:

    "Human Personality and It's Survival of Bodily Death" by FWH Myers


    "Night Side of Nature" by Catherine Crowe

    This question would probably get more responses in

    Science & Mathematics: Alternative: Paranormal Phenomena

  6. Don't hold your breath.

  7. check this out : youtube real ghost video

  8. Regardless of whether or not you believe in ghosts or spirits, seeing evidence wouldn't prove anything. There are thousands of videos and photos of ghosts, but how do you tell if they are real? Are they?

    This is one of those things you can think about and maybe one day you'll have an experience which will convince you one way or the other.

  9. existence of ghosts depends on belief.... If you believe they exist they do, if you don't they don't... It's that simple

    Show me proof of god, then I'll show you proof of ghosts.... (proof in both cases is highly circumstantial and subject to debate)

  10. well actually its all about ur psychology.....

    if u r depressed or disturbed then it might be u believe that ghosts exisis....

    nobody knows if its true or not....

    those who have seen they believe n those who havent they disagree to it....

    be brave n believe me u will never find that ghosts exists....

    i take it this way....

    u shld be mentally strong that's it....


  11. Yes they do but there is no proof sorry

  12. I had s*x with the man living in my closet last night, he said he was just ghost, does that count?

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