
Do ghosts really exist or are shows like Ghost Hunters just making stuff like this up?

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Sometimes I go back and forth thinking whether ghosts are real or not. Now I know I have never seen a ghost before so that's why I want you to tell me your thoughts or past experiences with the paranormal.




  1. No they actually's a fact that they exist and a lot of people saw themm.They're scientifical explaing and Religous explaining to it.

  2. i agree with check...they are evil spirits...they are not actually the dead person lost in this world, or what ever they made is a demond trying to make you think that they are someone else....have you ever watched a haunting..on dsc channel...? and they always talk about demonic pressence..and all that stuff..what that what they are demonds tring to decieve many, just cause they can....there dosnt have to be a reason, that is the whole point of them and why they are here, is to decieve many....

  3. Generally, the reality of ghosts appear in fictitious stories. However, it is really up to your personal feeling. Just like "who believes in UFOs?". There is enough evidence to allow people to believe in UFOs, likewise with ghosts. If you are asking me, I do not believe in ghosts. I believe that many may agree with me.

  4. I do believe in ghosts.  I haven't seen any but I have heard them esp. after deaths.  Also, I have friends who have vision of seeing them and speaking to them when necessary.  It is so interesting to sit down and listen to their stories.

  5. i believe ghosts exist because my uncles house is haunted read my question i asked it has all the details of the "haunting"

  6. If there's money to be made by lying, then some people will lie.

  7. ghosts don't exist, all these stories are just made up spoofs, born out of peoples' fear. nothing to worry! but you should know that the soul exists, within your body. it is not a ghost at all. after death, the soul goes to Heaven, and does not become a ghost. dont believe anyone if they say ghosts exist!

  8. sorry they aren't real

  9. I'm a paranormal investigator like on the show "ghost hunters" and I have my own group. In fact, there are hundreds of groups like TAPS that investigate the paranormal.

    While no one yet has officially "found" a ghost, there is plenty of evidence of what's called "Paranormal Activity" ~ that is things that happen that aren't supposed to happen. For example, if an object is picked up and thrown across the room... that's Paranormal. Who am I to say a Ghost did it? I don't have any proof of that... Who's to say Santa Claus or the Easter bunny threw it? I don't have evidence of that either...

    But what keeps us coming back for more is that things like what I described above, along with other events that cannot be explained after we work so hard to "debunk" then what's left is paranormal. Again, some people say that Paranormal=Ghosts.  That's why paranormal investigators are also known as Ghost Hunters.

    We've been investigating HUNDREDS of cases for over 6 years now and if things didn't go "Bump" in the night, then we wouldn't be wasting our time. Hope this helps!

    Also, if you're interested in learning more, find a local ghost hunting group and see if they will allow you to tag along on a local investigation. Maybe you'll answer your own questions.

  10. They have to convince you to maintain the show. If not then the rating wound go down and then they will be out of work and off the air.

    Of course they do what ever they can to tell you otherwise.

  11. Ghost are real, you'll probably run into one sometime in you life, there everywhere.

    Ghost Hunters, I don't know,  its fun. Can you believe anything  on TV anymore?

    Rent the movie "Network" some time, thats what TV has turned into.


  13. I have a ghost at home that moves chairs and you can hear footsteps pretty often. At work there is a room that a man died in and you can smell cologne every once in a while and the lights turn off all the time. I have seen shadows on the floor in the ladie's restroom. They will move really fast. You can also hear what sounds like boots walking across the wooden floors. It can be really creepy there.

    I really believe ghosts are real.

  14. Here's the truth as I see it.Ghosts do not exist.It's silly superstitious nonsense.Believing in such foolishness has a negative effect on Society.Ghost Hunters on TV,you can bet they're laughing all the way to the bank.Believe me,they know what the truth is, just like I do

  15. I don't know if Ghost Hunters is fabricating any "evidence" they find, but even if they do, none of it has amounted to evidence of ghosts. The evidence that does exist for ghosts is about as substantial as a ghost itself; that is to say, really not anything at all.

  16. Remember shows like Ghost Hunters and Most Wanted may not completely make stuff up, but they are shows. They have to contain a substantially larger amount of activity than would normally exist, because they have to have ratings to make money.

    I am pretty sure they at least embellish, or make up some of thier "evidence"

    Although, none of them really come up with anything substantial in the end, and nobody ever has, otherwise noone would doubt the existance of ghosts.

    Do ghosts exist? They have not been proven with any substantial evidence, and most information on ghosts is based on popular culture and stories, not evidence.

    The paranormal field of research is the only place in science where old wives tales outweigh logic and reason. For this reason its not highly respected by other branches of science.

  17. You see, some people believe in the existence of ghost and some others will not believe in ghost at all. I tell you this, only those who had experienced ghost can understand what I'm suggesting here but will have much trouble to explain about ghost. Yes, this is the reality about people. Better not talk about it if you're lucky enough to come across a ghost, a jinn or a demon. It will only make you look like an idiot or a psycho...just be cool. The thing is you have acquired some knowledge about the unknown which steps out from the twilight zone or the outer limits or call it whatever you want.

    I have a jinn that always seem to be near me but it doesn't trouble me no more. Honestly I'm telling it here but I don't expect people to believe me, see ?

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