
Do ghosts really exist?

by Guest64779  |  earlier

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Do ghosts really exist?




  1. I can only tell you what happened to me.

      In 1985, my father died in a bar as a result of his excessive drinking.  I was deeply affected and was also going through some domestic problems in my home that eventually ended in divorce.  When things in my life got to the breaking point, I went to a bar with my future ex mother in law to talk about family problems.  The face looking back at me from the mirror behind the bar was my fathers, and I knew that if I didn't stop drinking, I would end up the same way he did.  I had just entered the bar and had not yet ordered a drink, so nobody is going to tell me I was already buzzed.

  2. BOO

  3. I think they do, I've seen a few.  And I have a theory on that too...I think everyone who dies is basically hanging out here on earth until Judgment Day.  Because it's just one day.  The book of Revelation (in the Bible, if you don't know that) is pretty clear that there is ONE judgment day, not a separate one for every person when they die.  So I think souls are still hanging out around here until that happens.  Although they might not be aware...because time is something for the earthbound, I don't think it applies in the same way once you're dead.  So when Jesus said, "today you will be with me in paradise" I don't think the two ideas necessarily clash because we think in chronological terms, but chronology probably doesn't apply in the great beyond, so...

    So in a nutshell, yes, I believe in ghosts, because even though we definitely cross over into something, I think that in terms of our chronology that nobody is in heaven yet, everyone who's going there will go at the same time.  Read 2 Thessalonians on this, pretty interesting.  Anyway, just my random thoughts.  But this would also explain why evil people could be hanging out as ghosts too instead of being destroyed by the lake of fire and all that non-fun stuff.  Nobody's been judged yet.

  4. No i dont think so! But anyway be carefullllllllll........ !!

  5. I believe they do, I think 'ghosts' are only the energy from a deceased individual that has passed from this plane into another plane.


  6. Ooh now that's a question a lot of people would like to have answered I think there is some think but what

  7. A truly debatable subject in which will never be resolved enough to satisfy everyone. There will always be those that believe for a number of reasons and always those who choose not to believe for just as many reasons. To satisfy your own curiosity you are the only one that can make up your mind which side of the fence to stand upon.

    I could give you a good argument on both sides but that simply will do nothing except create more debate. When the most helpful answers will come after asking such a open question is when a reason has been given as to why this question is being asked. Like is there something happening in your life that you just can not explain? Or just out of curiosity. Because the only thing you will gain from asking opening is one side bashing the other in which they believe,

  8. Yes.  I am a former ghost skeptic (changed my opinion after ghosts showed up in our house) and I am 100% certain that ghosts are real.  Some people think that they are only a part of imagination, but there are several doctumented incidents of ghosts on film that cannot be disproven. Until each and every one of them had been debunked, I will continue to believe.

  9. yes ghost are spirits and engery they like the cold so in the cold months they show up more they hate the summer months try october to february that,s the best time to look for ghost.try wigy boards

  10. Congratulations if you have read all the way down to answer number 39.

    In a sense, Ghosts exist. Do not be fooled for a moment to think the holiwood definition of Ghost exists. Ghosts are not dead people bound to the earth. There are two types of ghosts.

    1) Invisible creatures. They were never human, although its possible that they can immitate them. Usually when they are seen its accidental and they appear to be a shadowy figure.

    2) Images of the past. There are theories on how it happens, but these are just smoke and mirror ghosts. They dont interact with the living like the invisible creatures. These can be caught on film and video.

    3) Created in the imagination. The mind can do a lot of things and create very good illusions. Do not underestimate the power of suggestion, fear, and paranoia.

  11. No

  12. yes. i should know because i have proof. they have undone biz with the living.

  13. yes if you are open to them yes they do. i have seen many. i dont drink/smoke, so i am more likely to see them.

  14. I do not know if you know about Jinns, but many people say ghosts are just Jinns.  If you would like to read about Jinns, I have done some research on this topic, so I do have the information on the botton of my blog.  I hope that I was helpful.

  15. Too right they exist. My boss is a friggin phantom, God knows where he'll turn up next.

  16. Ghosts are not sentient beings, incorporeal souls still here on Earth.  They're like psychic residue that hangs around and can cause you to feel, think and even see things.  Think about it:  this is a more logical explaination of the phenomenon than ghosts as dead people.  Haven't you ever been in a place that just felt wrong?  Felt a presence when there was no-one there?

  17. Yes they do and they haunt people. But there are more ghosts of flies cause they die in a day.

  18. all the ghosts you think you see or stories that you have heard are not ghosts isnt true at all, due to the fact that they do not exist, its all an elaborate illusion created by a highly skill and incredably deadly ninja way of life if you think you ever see one of these so called "ghosts" run, run away fast because its only a warning trying to get you to leave the area.  Y do you think thoes people that went after the "Blair witch" never came back??? they stuck  there noses where they didnt belong and acidentally stumbled into an ancent clan of ninjas.  ohh but ectoplasim is real thats what they use to make the illusions.  but to get back to your question ghosts no longer exist because ninjas killed them all thats where they got the ectoplasim to make the illusions.  i hope this response has helped you.

  19. no definatly not.

  20. It is possible for someone to be certain that ghosts do exist, but you can never be certain they don't exist. There have been experiments conducted to try to detect the presence of ghosts or spirits. The results are usually inconclusive, or other more mundane factors can explain any positive results. Try to conceive an experiment that could prove ghosts don't exist.

    I'm 99.99% certain there's no such thing as ghosts, but sometimes when I'm alone at night, I get a feeling that someone or something else is in the room with me.

  21. Yes they do exist, but you have to believe in them.

  22. i think so; i have seen a few, but not sure; and i'm afraid to tell someone since they won't believe me

  23. I was told by a medium that they dont !

    But im gonna check out your replies xx

  24. Yes

  25. No.

  26. I do believe they do because weird things happen in my house all of the time.

  27. i actually drink and smoke heavily , and take hallucinogens so I see ghosts more frequently than normal people.

  28. yea......

  29. Of course.

    Love from Casper

  30. Don't really know but a few things have haunted me.

  31. yes they exist, i know this for a fact, one night i was on the computer playing games, when i saw this figure standing right beside me, it was clear as day, i remember every little detail. ( i was 15 years old at the time) i told my mom about it later that day, i told her what the man was wearing, and she told me that my great-great-grandpa was wearing those clothes when he died, and i have never met him, or even seen a picture of him.

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