
Do ghosts really put out an EMF?

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I've seen so many supposed "high tech" gadgets out there, some under $100 but to the more extreme $300 and above. Do they really put out an EMF and is there some scientific documentation of this?




  1. Etheric density, which is what a ghost is made out of, compared to earth or human density is similar to the density between you and the grand canyon. An average size person walking through the grand canyon's valleys would have no trouble walking 'between' the two constructs on either side of it without touching it, and yet still have enough density to pick up a rock and throw it at a canyon wall.

    In other words, ghosts emit a 'wavelength' that is so far below/above the wavelength of human existence that they pass unseen and 'through' the fabric of life here on earth, like a molecule of air zipping around the room. You don't 'see' the air, you only notice the effects of it (the inhilation of something that doesn't choke you.)

  2. You still believe in ghosts? are you a child? you know about EMF but still believe in ghosts?

  3. Science and Ghost Hunting

    When scientists debunk ghosts their first statement is usually, “there is no scientific proof of the existence of ghosts.” This is wrong. There is scientific proof. Science even has theories that explain something must be happening beyond what we know and what we can see.

    Albert Einstein (1879-1955), Time Magazine's Man of the Century and one of the greatest minds the world has known, taught us that energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be changed from one form of energy into another form of energy. This means that no matter what is done energy cannot be destroyed.

    Human beings have both electrical and chemical energy in our bodies. We are organically designed to carry our electrically charged brain and nervous systems. When we die our chemical bodies begin to break down and decompose. The organic side returns to wear it came from - energy changing into a different form of energy as Einstein's law says. So what happens to the electrical energy that flows through our brain? It can't simply disappear or fade away out of existence. That would break the laws of science. That energy has to still be somewhere only now it has changed into a different form of energy. What happens to the energy is really determined by personal faith. No one knows exactly what waits beyond this life. What we do know, thanks to science, is that the electrical pulse energy in each human being will always exist because as a rule it “cannot be destroyed.”

    Another great scientist who believed in life after death was Thomas Edison, (1847-1931). Edison was a genius ahead of his time. He invented the light bulb, phonograph, typewriter, electric motor, stock ticker, and 1093 other patented inventions. One of the inventions that he worked on at the end of his career was a secret project, a machine that would let the living see and communicate with the souls of the dead.

    Edison believed that that the soul was made up of what he referred to as “life units.” These microscopic particles or life units could rearrange into any form. They retained full memory, personality and were indestructible. Edison's machine would detect these life units in the environment and allow living individual to communicate with the dead. He put many years of hard work into his new creation, but sadly, he died before it was finished. Some called Edison crazy. Others thought that he was onto something bigger than the idea of the light bulb. They believed that if he would have had a little more time, we might all today be living in a very different world.

    It's been found that in almost every ghost haunting and poltergeist that there are certain electrical elements at work. Using EMF detectors ghost hunters can monitor these electrical forces. These devices can examine and record even the smallest fluctuation in the surrounding electromagnetic field. Everything gives off some kind of electromagnetic field, even our own bodies. Electrical appliances, like television sets and computers give off higher distortions than a lamp or a toaster would. When ghosts are present there are higher levels of electromagnetic distortions. Many times the distortions are so high that they interfere with the working abilities of computers systems and audio/video equipment. High levels of static electricity are also detectable.

    Recording temperature changes is another scientific way of detecting the presence of ghosts. Fluctuations of more than 10 degrees have been recorded in small areas of rooms with constant temperatures. It's a scientific fact that there has to be some form of energy present to alter the temperature. Temperature does not change unless "something" is affecting it one way or the other. In many ghost sightings witnesses report feeling a cold spot. This could be caused by the fact that light does not seem to reflect correctly off of most ghosts, which also gives them a dark form. The light seems to be absorbed into the ghost. The theory is that ghosts absorb both light and heat energy causing the general area around that ghost to be several degrees cooler. There are also hot spots recorded, which could be just the reverse affect occurring. Instead of soaking up the light and heat the ghost is reflecting it back, causing the area to be warmer.

    These unexplainable electromagnetic fluctuations and temperature changes are scientific evidence that something is happening. Ghosts are real.

    For More Information on Ghost Hunting Visit The Ghost Hunter's BIBLE

  4. this is like time travel, these machine are made to *mysteriously* pick up the signals

    but both time travel and ghost hunting and the odd machines actually radomly put out these signal like its built in the machines

  5. There is no scientific documentation regarding the emission of EMF from ghosts.

    In fact, there is little “scientific” documentation regarding the existence of ghosts in general and all of it either inconclusive or contradictory to the claim that they exist.

    1) There are few cases where a natural explanation does not suffice, and in these cases, it is erroneous to believe that just because we can’t come up with an explanation now, that it must be ghosts (either-or fallacy).

    2) Is it not entirely possible, perhaps even more likely, that given the limitations of human perception, we can be easily fooled by what we (think we) sense? This is quite common (ask any magician or check out the illusion reference provided) and in no way reflects poorly on us as we are all fooled at times.

    As to your claims of using a Ouija board as supporting evidence:

    The association of this board to the spirit world has an interesting history. Similar boards were first developed in the mid 1800s as a writing game to “speak” with spirits (the planchette had a pencil attached). This followed on the heels of the Fox sisters “spirit communing” fad of the mid to late 1800s. The game as we now know it (the lettered one) became mass produced in the 1890s but was not popular until William Fuld took over the rights in 1899 with a new marketing strategy: a new back-story claiming the board has a connection to the spirit world.

    That’s right, the “history” of this board that so many swear has some supernatural origin was simply a marketing gimmick by Bill Fuld; he even changed the etymology of the name from being (claimed) Egyptian for luck (it isn’t – that was made up by an earlier businessman) to “yes” in both French and German (it is, but only coincidentally).

    Now, this is not evidence that everyone who plays Ouija is a fraud. It has even worked for me when I would have sworn I wasn’t moving it, but I digress. The board actually “works” for many innocent users (in the sense that it will move “on its own”) by a process known as ideomotor action (basically subconscious influence – see last two references).

    I have no information regarding an afterlife (nor does anyone else). Though Harry Houdini (1874-1926) did claim he would come back and make contact with his wife, he never showed for the ten years she tried to contact him.

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