
Do ghosts release phantom farts?

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Do ghosts release phantom farts?




  1. maybe some do, some dont! who knows?

  2. heres a quote from the x-files;

    I just think it's funny. I was born a loser, but  

    you're one by choice.                            

    - Eddie Van Blundht to Mulder

  3. Don't be ridiculous! Everybody knows it's only the bad smell of......wait for it..............SPIRITS!!!

  4. They must do....because nobody owns up to them in our house ! Phew !

  5. ghosts can't f**t as they are just memories left behind, but spirits can cause smell like tabacco, perfume, flowers etc and if you know a dead relative that farted alot and they new it would cheer you up, they may leave you a nice smelly one.

  6. hmmm. ehm. considering they dont eat, i'd say no.

    but who's to tell? maybe they do eat. next time you smell a phantom f**t yell at the ghost and ask what he ate.

  7. best question EVER!

  8. no food = no f**t

  9. do ur family f**t?if they dont then its likely ghosts won't!if they exists!

  10. LOL.

    yes. it happened to you and it destroys your brain, explaining this question

  11. Nope they don't eat

  12. no they dont but you probably do..

  13. Considering ghosts are just air (or thats we presume) anyway, its unlikely they have a digestive system to generate bad smells

  14. Jees, don't know about you but ghosts sure as h**l 'put the wind up me'  !!! Oops!

  15. not that i know of.  but, sometimes spirits announce themselves with a fragrance or scent that is familiar and connected to the person smelling it.  like one day i kept smelling old parchment paper.  it smelled just like my gran from canarsie at the age of 97 when she died.  i just knew she was around.

  16. definitely... that's why sometimes when you detect a heinous odor in the room no one will own up to it. it's the d**n ghoulies

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