
Do girls care if you collect un-opened action figures?

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And are there any girls that collect them too? I'm 13, and collect a variety of stuff, DC comic action figures, Marvel Legends, Justice League Unlimited, Star Wars, ect.




  1. I'm a girl and I collect opened and unopened action figures as well as other more expensive "toys".  Mind you I'm in my 20's now but I have been doing this my whole life.

    Never saw it as an investment ( tho I do buy doubles of particular items to sell later on, my enjoyment comes first). Collecting is a passion and should be respected as that - something you really love and enjoy.

    Girls or guys... if they can't respect you for who you are and what you do... they're not worth being around. This is why I disagree with the last users answer. If the person just sees it as an investment... they'll eventually want you to sell your stuff and  "grow up".  Unless that is your intention... just forget those kinds of people.

    Just be you and never settle for anything less... the right people will come to you.  There are girls out there who dig it... but it's even harder to find someone truly serious about it.

    Believe me... I think packaged figures are downright gorgeous... like pieces of art meant to be displayed all over the house. Love hunting for them too. Then again.. most people think I'm a freak... :P

  2. Don't worry about what they think about it.

    There are some that collect too, but in my experience they are few and far between.

  3. I'm a guy, turning 14 in September, and I have a collection of unopened action figures. All of my girl friends don't seem to have any problems with me doing that. I guess they all know that collecting action figures is an investment that could earn a lot of money in the future.  They also like the fact that I'm willing to show people who I really am.

    Most girls would actually appreciate the fact that you're planning for your future. It shows you're mature.

    Don't count on finding any girls who also do that. I don't know any. LOL

  4. There's a saying "if a girl likes you she won't care if you p**s in her sink"

    Basically, if you're hot, they'll love you for it, if you're not - they won't be interested whatever you do. Unless you're funny. Or rich.

  5. Well, have you seen the film "40 year old Virgin"?  He collected unopened figures and his girl was well impressed.  I wouldnt worry about it.  When you are older you could always sell them on & make some money for urself or keep them as collecters items.

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