
Do girls care when guys wear their pants/shorts low?

by  |  earlier

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not too low and their boxers are at a normal height




  1. depends if they like it, me not so much, i really dont want to see your *** hanging out of your pants, but most of the people i went to highschool with pretty much had it so their whole butt was hanging out for the world to see. but it all depends some do some don't.

  2. super super low is nasty. lowish is okay.;...

  3. No much. But is better the normal height.

    See my photo:


    like that it looks trashy and unattractive and just plain stupid

    however that looks fine and kinda hotttttttt

  5. yes,it looks silly when guys wear their pants half way down their hind end and their boxers are sticking out.what looks even more silly is the way they are constantly pulling them up.wear pants that fit around your waist and you wont have to worry about pulling them up and your hands can be free to do other things

  6. like when you sag? That's idiotic. I think it looks horrible, but I'd still like a guy who sagged. I'd just tell him "PULL UP YOU EFFING PANTS BECAUSE YOU LOOK LIKE AN EFFING r****d!!!" yeah. Don't sag. Especially with skinny jeans. ugh, ew...

  7. i think thats hot.

    i dont want to see your *** tho.

    so, keep it decent.

    do my friends?;...

  8. I can really only speak for myself but I don't like it when guys have their pants at their ankles or almost there.  I mean I don't care how you dress if you're nice.  But for looks I wouldn't go too low or too high just at the hips is fine.  Go with what is comfortable and in style and I don't think the girls will care

  9. YES..we care. I like it on most guys, but if you happen to be too fat or too skinny, then please cover won't work on you. But if you're in that average range, then go for it. Wear your pants or shorts low...and show off your's hot.

  10. Not when its the wide legged low riding pants or plumbers style pants that show the crack. If its a guy that's nice and toned, with the crest looking thing down below, and he shows a little bit of  his boxers then that's kinda s**y.

  11. no.

    i think its super sexyyy!

    not too much, maybe about 3-4 inches showing. i hate it when their pant are practically off their butt. its g*y

  12. I hate seeing boxers/briefs above the pants, but hey, that's just me.  I like em clean cut.

  13. i dont

    actually, i think it SOO hot(:


  14. if the pants are like below the but it"s so gross! would you like it if we wore or pants low. whta yo probably would. but seriuosly if it shows your boxers even when you are wearing a shirt over them it gross.

  15. Well, if his *** is sticking out in public I would hope girls would be like "WTF pull up your pants!" but then personally I would be turned off if a guy wore his pants to high...

  16. Hah! That's a really good question. I DON'T LIKE IT AT ALL.

    But then again, we live in a free country, so if y'all are comfortable wearing no pants, I'm cool with that.

  17. i actually like it, well, i dont really care, i only care if they are the scater types, sooooo tight!

    like jonas bros wear it


  18. if you have cute boxers then yes we care if not then keep them pulled up NOBODY wants to see your train boxers sorry

    i love plaid ones!;)

  19. depends how much is showing. personally i dont like it when pants are to low cuz thats just tmi. unless i know the guy rlly well lol and i like him  

  20. i usually dont care unless theyre so low that the boxers show all the time even when they are walking

  21. if its not to low im fine with it

    if its like to their knees or something like that no

    i also like it regular. but thats just me

  22. depends

    if the girl is into that sorta thing

    high class girls don't find it appropriate

    but i don't think most girls really care

  23. Pants are suppose to be worn at the waist. Any lower and I'm not going to bother.

  24. I personally hate it when a guy where's his pants low. It's tacky. Plus the only men who should wear their pants low are the men in jail cause they dont have a belt.

  25. personally, i don't like messy and s****. but i also don't like up tight and chicita, just normal!!

  26. A little low is ok... too low becomes too tacky!

  27. if u have to pull them up all the time or your belt goes over your man zone they are too low its trashy and totally not s**y

  28. I def don't want to date someone that has their pants up the their belly button but I don't want to see their a** either. They should sit on the hips. I hate wranglers!! They are horrible looking. I'm from Mississippi so I get to see a lot of wrangler wearing men. Not a pretty picture.

  29. sometimes. depends on the girl.

    some girls would rather not see the guys boxers.

    but others dont mind.

    i dont like when theyre toooooo low. but i dont like when theyre high.

    i think your good thoughh.

  30. some girls like it classy and some like it ghetto and whatnot :P really subjective

  31. No it's better than seeing your crack.

    OHhhhh i didn't understand. No i think it's disgusting when guys have they pants at their knees and they are just wearing their underwear. Go for it i guess...

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