
Do girls find guys with hats attractive?

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Do girls find guys with hats attractive?




  1. it depends on what kind of hat~!!!

  2. yeah

    but sometimes guys who wear hats look completely different without a hat. which could be good or bad.

    most guys i know wear hats.

  3. Probably not, girls think baseball caps are dirty, smelly and the guy is trying to cover up the fact that they are balding or don't comb their hair or wash it cause they are too lazy because it's easier to just put on a hat and go.


  4. Haha, depends on what kind of hat.

    Sombrero, not so much. Baseball cap, maybe kinda. Messenger boy hat, I am so there.

  5. i love when guys wear hats..IF they look good in 'em. i esp like when guys look good w and w/o a hat! (baseball, fedora, stuff like cowboy hat please) :D  

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