
Do girls find other girls b*****s and turn on???

by  |  earlier

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if your watching a movie and there is a scene.... do you find it a turn on... even if your straight.?




  1. Not at all.

  2. maybe!

  3. most females are not attracted to female b*****s.

  4. if theyre L*****n yeah

  5. not really. i mean if people are having s*x in the movie and the camera is on the girl the whole time it's still hot.

    have you ever noticed girls find L*****n p**n hotter than g*y p**n, unlike guys who like L*****n...if that makes scenes?

  6. im a girl and i think **** are hot :P


    and im very straight

  7. Yes I do .I always have . I am straight , however a womans body and b*****s do turn me on.h**l I love my own b***s .

  8. no affence but why do you care? have you heard the song "i kissed a girl" by Kate Perry? its all like g**s and bis these days. @ least im strait

  9. It depends on the girl I guess.

    And the mood she's on. Some girls

    are straight but watch girl p**n/L*****n p**n.

    It all depends on the girl. But I personally don't.

  10. Ok first wat type of question is that? its like asking if you find  guys muscles attractive. And no, normal girls dont find it as a turn on.  

  11. h**l no  but if i see a big Shillong im on fire

  12. Yo, i have wondered that for the LONGEST time. Man sometimes i feel like all girls are attracted to other girls, you know?  

  13. i think im bi but i'll try to answer this as best i can.

    some girls are interested in them but dont necessarily get turned on. some girls arent interested because we have them so were used to them.

    but i LOVE b***s, thats a big reason why i think im bi.

  14. do, but I'm not straight ....

  15. I do. I'm straight.

  16. just by looking at them, no.

    if those girls start to touch themselves n doing everything, then yes.

  17. Yes actually, and I'm straight. I think it's just something about them being nude, and sometimes wishing ours looked like theirs.

  18. Porko, girls don't have penises...

  19. no.

    possibly jealously of a perfect body, but farrrr from being turned on. lol

  20. no not at all,I have my own which makes me happy.:)

  21. yeah but i'm bi.  

  22. no, why would it unless you're les or bi?

    it makes me feel inadequate tho!

  23. not at all

  24. No, darlin. Straight women find MEN as a turn on. I dont know about other straight women, but, me personally, I find dat long slong a turn on!!!

  25. watching a movie and the guy has a big packet do you get this way? sorry to disappoint but i don't with girls no.

  26. nope. i have my own. :D lol.

    no, sometimes straight girls "check eachother out" but they're really just comparing themselves cuz they're a little jealous usually. never a turn on tho. :(

  27. yes - I've went through an experimentation phase.

    But I do not find "down there" a turn on

  28. nope, could care less.

    ..I have my own double D's....if i wanna turn myself on, lol

  29. No stupid t*t's just cause trouble and sickness I want mine cut off.I try to get them chewed off but that hurts.

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