
Do girls like a football player that is nice, nd plays alot of instruments ?

by  |  earlier

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like guitar etc.

ps im 5'9 nd stong with muscles but not too much xD




  1. Girls obviously don't give a c**p if you are a running back, a wide reciever, play Richie Havens or play Metallica. Just be a decent guy. I can tell you, there are a shortage of decent guys out there...

  2. Being nice is always a must..instruments aren't a requirement for me..but then again neither is football.

    But it's great that you have lots of interests. =)

  3. Niceness is the first requirement with me. I have decided that next year when I'm a Freshman I am going to find a Football player.I'm not into the whole instrument thing but I know some other girls that love that.Being strong is good but it is also good when you're not too strong because that is good looking.I think a lot of girls would be interested in you.You sound cool.

  4. im a girl & i just like football

  5. Different girls like different things, so I am pretty sure there are girls out there who do.

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