
Do girls like boys with long hair or short hair now a days?

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because it seems like girls only like boys with skater hair or long hair is that true?




  1. well.......................

  2. It totally depends on the guy. Most guys look better in a slightly shaggy cut, but if you have a weak chin or a babyface then keep it short.  

  3. yea i think girls are more into guys with longer hair now! but itz probs just a phase and will pass. but i can honestly say i have all ways found guys with longer hair more attractive - my opinion will never change!  

  4. I honestly think longer hair on guys (such as skater hair) is better haha. As long as their hair isn't TOO long its pretty like hot haha.

  5. Like long sk8ter hair ir so in rit now and sooooooooooooo HOT! lol

  6. shortt all the way

  7. well i actually like guys with short or long but there is also a limit to how long it can get like not past or not even touching the shoulder and for it to be like yeah kinda skater or in layers or something.  But short hair is cute to as long as it's not bald

  8. i personally like shorter hair.

    i hope this helped! [[:

  9. no way! short hair is adorable, and makes guys hawt!

  10. i liuke the guys with the flippy hair. the skater look i guess you could call it. love this guys hair  - blonde ones hair  

  11. It depends. Sometimes boys can pull off short hair. Personally, I love longer hair...  

  12. Longer hair, but not too long. Think Alex Turner length.

    But that's just me.

  13. People have different tastes.

    Personally, I like guys with long hair who maintain their hair.

    For example, if you look at people in japan they always have some kind of hairstyle. I prefer that.

    But some other girls, think they're wayy too girly. Therefore. It really varies.

  14. short hair!

  15. i love skater hair!!!

    dead s**y!!!!

  16. I dont like really long hair on dudes, but Its sute when its layered and longish

    meh sepends if it fits with his face

    <3 Skaters

  17. IDK but I liked this guy that was a skater, and over the summer he grew his hair, and I dont like it anymore, and he thinks its cool. I dont. So i really dont know. ANy tips on how to get him to shorten it. Cuz his hair is curly, and it looks really bad.

  18. Everyone like different things....So it actually depends on how the person it and don't worry about does things....we all like different things

  19. no, i love boys with short hair  

  20. Personally, I'm not that superficial.  I'd go out with a guy with long or short hair but my LIMIT is like, at the ears.

  21. i absolutly HATE long hair on guys! its fine to their ear lobe but longer than that is DISGUSTING!

  22. dude *** on you should love skater boys i go crazy for long haired boys lolz  

  23. i think long,because 1 i have it and i think it looks cool and 2 if you are looking for a sensitive and guy it may show his feminine side.

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