
Do girls like it when I go down..............?

by  |  earlier

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on the floor to do a few pushups to tighten up my chest and arms?

What were you thinking?




  1. I was thinking how I like to go down in an elevator.

    It's fun.

    What are you thinking?

  2. i thought stairs i swear

  3. haha. good one :)

  4. If you can go down on me and do push-ups the same time, I´ll recommend you to my girls

  5. and here I was thinking you meant something completely different..lmao bad bad jungle ruler!!! *hangs head to hide the evil smile* :P

  6. Only if you are able to do it well!!!!

  7. I was thinking.

    Their pants.


    Good one.

    But uhmm.

    Answering your question.

    Sure :]


  8. I am thinking that moustache you have would be very tickley.

  9. You keep going to tighten your muscles.

  10. and perform oral s*x-of course what did you think?

  11. Im sure they like it better than a guy who goes down to the nearest taco bell to get fat

  12. I thought you were talking about oral s*x..... but no a few pushups to tighten your chest and arms in no way paralles Good oral s*x.

    you dirty dirty boy.

  13. I would not have said Yes when You go down on me because I don't know You do I l**k MY C**t

  14. you now what we were thinking!!! You know you can do other things on the floor...

  15. Good girls go to heaven, Bad girls go down!!!

  16. very good one bro

  17. u tricked me!! id think its hot if a guy does push-ups. but about that subject of yours... ew. lol

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