
Do girls like it when..?

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i life weights regularly and am very open about telling people what i do and what supplements i take. do girls care if guys take creatine and whey protein. i would think they wouldnt but they always ask me dumb questions about creatine




  1. Unless they specifically ask, no one wants to know about your weight lifting/supplement taking  regimen.  Girls don't care what you take or do to get in shape.  They don't want to hear about it any more than you want to hear  them complaining about how fat they are or how much their shoes cost.

  2. I'll start this off by saying the whole body builder look is absolutely disgusting to me.  But if you lift weights and take supplements to ensure that you're in the best health and have the best muscle tone for you, that's great.  Unless I ask about it, I don't want to hear about it.  And I certainly don't like a bragging sort of response.  There's a fine line between confident and cocky.  I expect that you are on the cocky side based on how you worded your question.

    By the way, there are no dumb questions, only dumb answers.  Not everyone knows what creatine is or what it does.

  3. sorry but no we're not interested. they probably ask questions cause they don't know what it is and have never heard the word. or they are pretending to be interested cause the want the conversation  to keep going.  

  4. No they really don't care. They probably think that you like to only talk about yourself and they don't want to hear it.

  5. If that's pretty much all you want to talk about, then yes I think most girls would not like it, especially if you are bragging.

  6. why dont you just ask her?

  7. I don't care either way but I would ask you questions about them just because I would be curious.  I have never seriously lifted weights and would want to know why you took those and how they helped and then would drop the subject.  

  8. Frankly I wouldn't give a d**n! And you would probably put me to sleep!!

  9. I don't like guys that lift weights.  I don't date guys that lift weights.  Personally, I like a guy with some meat on his bones.  I like that "lived in look" on a guy.  I dated a guy once that lifted weights & he would rather stare at his self in the mirror then do anything else.  I don't wanna talk about his weight lifting & that's all he wanted to talk about "HIS BODY."  Puke.  Give me a typical male w/ a typical chubby belly & I'm happy.

  10. Just so you know, no one cares about your workout regimen.  If you want to clear a room, start talking about protein shakes and how your calves are developing.  

  11. Perhaps if the girl you are talking to is into fitness and weight-lifting. Otherwise girls might simply feign interest in such topics. It would be a boring conversation to me.

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