
Do girls like to play vollyball alot?

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Do girls like to play vollyball alot?




  1. it depends on the girl. if they r sporty then probably. it is a really fun sport. i love it.

  2. yes!! but like if the girl is sporty, they like soccer better like me. but if u want to ask a girl out that plays, ask her!!

  3. yep!=)

  4. Lots of girls (and guys too) love volleyball. It doesn't involve alot of exertion or physical contact. It's a fun team sport. You don't have to worry about getting smacked with a hard ball (baseball), getting knocked down and plowed over (football) or having to constantly run around (basketball).

  5. I absolutely love playing volleyball...i play almost every singe day and i am on my school team and a traveling team. I also think it is incredible exercise and fun!!! and plus you get to wear spandex in indoor volleyball and swimsuits in beach volleyball!!!!

  6. i do

  7. YEAH!! almost all the girls i know LOVE vball. it's a pretty easy sport (when you're just messing around) and it's ok to laugh if somebody messes up. it is so fun!!!!

  8. I love volleyball sooo freakin much. I am on the volleyball team at shahala Middle school. its not as hard since its junior high but i cant wait to play it in highschool because it gets a lot more competitive and harder. But to answer your queation, yes girls do like to play volleyball even if they dont know how to play. Its fun hitting the ball over the net and scoring on the other team!

  9. Yeah!It is a fun game for boys too.I just spent an hour and a half playing volley ball at a girl's B-day party.

  10. well if u had a brain u would just ask the girl!!!

  11. Yeah

  12. i love playing volleyball....its extremely fun.

  13. OK, just a quick response to gmonte's answer: volleyball most definitely involves physical exertion, you're running the whole game and you can be playing for up to 2-3 hours. That means 2-3 hours in a squat. You dive for the ball too and end up with gym burn and bruises the size of your head. It's so easy to s***w up your ankles and wrists playing volleyball, tons of people get hurt every year. As for being hit with balls: try getting hit in the face by the other team's hitter! IT HURTS!Try playing some volleyball before you judge it!

  14. Yes

  15. Some girls don't like it because you have to know how to place your hand in order to hit the ball in the direction you want it to go, beacuse you have to run, and it just takes alot of skill. Moreover, some girls love volleyball, like myself, because i jsut love smacking the ball over the net and spiking it. And I'd have to say, im pretty dang good!

  16. well i live in magnolia TX and volleyball is so competitive all The

    7Th grade girls tried out except for 15 of yes lots of girls love volleyball

  17. like yeah plus im on the vollyball team for 5 years

  18. Yes I LOVE the game!! my best friend and meet being on the volleyball team.....if the girl isn't as sporty they might not like it because they might complain it hurt their arms too muchbut i just LOVE to play the game because it gives you the trill that you can't explain and it also is a fun game to just mess around with your friends with and just have a good time.

  19. not always but more popular

  20. YEAHH its my favorite sport! all my girlfriends play with me on my team! but so do boys!

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