
Do girls normally kickbox?

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umm this is a bit embarassing but im actuallly scared to tell everyone about what i like to do. i just love to fight my brotherr. its like a great hobby. dont think we are weird because we sort of practice kicks and punches on each other. so we are both great at fighting. do u think i should tell anyone?




  1. Awesome!!!  I have been doing Muay Thai(The best form of Kickboxing) for about a year and we get a few girls in and out of our classes.  It is a great workout, plus it is fun and you'll learn how to fend off all the guys that will fall in love with once they hear that your a fighter.  Check out your local martial arts gyms and take some classes, then tell everyone.  They may even have special classes that are geared towards females, or if your up for it, sign up for the full contact class with your brother and get in there and show the boys how it's done.  Its not weird for a girl to play sports... weird would be to not get involved in something so great for you that you love to do.  Good luck.

  2. women fighters rock! be proud :-))

    i have been fighting in martial arts, self defense, and grappling for several years now

    over 14 years!

    and i say hold your head up high and who cares if people know!

  3. I have met some really great female martial artist.

    I have met some female martial artist that could beat most guys out there.  I think it's great that you are fond of kickboxing!

  4. what? don't be embarrassed.. that is so awesome. Tell someone, maybe you can take some real classes & it is a great workout!!!

  5. There are women in the MMA kick-boxing class and Muay Thai class at the school I attend.

    I've been out-sparred by women.

    Nothing wrong with that.

  6. Martial Arts is for anyone and Everyone.  If its in your Heart then go for it :)

    Don't hold back because you think girls shouldn't fight, because that's not right at all.  There are LOTS of kickboxing girls in the World.  In Thailand there are TONS of Muay Thai girls.

    Look up Muay Thai on !!!

    Good luck and don't stop training :)

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