
Do girls on birthcontrol gain weight?

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If so about how much?




  1. It depends on what birth control you might be taking. I've heard and seen that Yaz birthcontrol works really well!! and no one has ever gained weight on it. If your looking for something not to make you gain weight.

  2. I've never gained any weight on bcps. Everyone is different though, my metabolism is pretty high. If your worried about weight gain while taking the pill, I'd talk to your doctor. He/she will be able to prescribe a bcp that is right for you and that will cause minimal to no weight gain.

  3. I gained 55 pounds, I'm 22  

  4. i didnt gain any at all :)

  5. i did. i gained 10 lbs when i started on it and when i got off of it i lost about that much. but i went back on again and gained all of that again.

  6. i have the mirena IUD since april and i have gained 23 pounds since then.. talk about depression!! my friend is on the ortho tri and she only gained like 5-8 pounds..  

  7. I think it depends on things like if your stressed out or something , but still just call your doctor and ask.

  8. Any female with estrogen dominance (too much of the estrogens hormones-out of balance) will put on weight, but mostly fluids because estrogen causes edema. It also causes sore b*****s, rapid growth of fibroid tumors, and fibrocystic b*****s.

    A girl who is overweight by at least 10% is developing or already has estrogen dominance. That's a strike against her. By adding a birth control pill regimen that contains a lot of estrogen, she's adding insult to injury. If you fall into either of these categories, ask your physician to explain how much estrogen is in the pill/patch, and to change the prescription to a lower dose.

  9. Yes, it says right on the instruction page in the package of pills.  I gained about 25 pounds, and I have never in my life gained that much weight before.  It's extreamly hard to take it off too.

  10. It all depends on your body and the birth control you are taking, I am on Cyclessa and I haven't gained any weight, all it has done is made my b***s larger which I'm really happy about.  

  11. it depends. it doesn't with some people it does with some.

    ask your doctor about it. using a natural one is alot better, for some people it makes them gain weight. it can be alot of weight or just a little it depends on your diet slightly. for some people it just clears up their skin :D

  12. I did a lot of research on this before I went on the pill (I am using YAZ and would reccamend it). It is fairly common to gain anywhere from 5-20 pounds on the pill, but not everyone does. (I didn't). It really depends on the female and how her body reacts to the pill. If you end up gaining a lot of weight, you can always try switching to a different brand or trying a lower dosage. Again, I would reccamend YAZ. good luck!

  13. I took the pill for 15 years and did not gain any weight, but everybody reacts different to hormones. It does increase your breast size tho :-)

  14. Well might be but it is always advisable to check with doctor as all bodies are not a like.

    Also, it might very how much one gain using these pills.

    Better check this for details :-

    Hope this will help a Bit :)

  15. it completely depends on the pill. many do make you gain weight, some do not. my doctor put me on yaz and i didn't gain, she said it's one of the pills that you shouldn't gain weight on.  

  16. every body reacts differently to different types of pill .

    doctors say some girls gain some girls loose and some girls don't at all . it really depends on you and the type of pill you're on .

    i've been on it for about a year now and haven't gained any weight .

  17. I've heard that women on Depo can gain as much as 30-50 pounds. But as a general rule, 5-10 is the norm. (This is for hormonal BC)

  18. Not all birth control makes you gain weight. Ive been on yaz for a few months and haven't gained anything. It all depends on what BC pill you are on. If you do gain, its not a drastic amount. Nothing to really worry about.

  19. i gained about 6 lbs and leveled off when i first started them.

  20. when i began taking the pill i lost weight. the pill is said to increases your appetite therefore making you gain weight.  some people have an increased appetite, some people don't. it depends on the individual and the pill you are taking.

  21. Yes, but not fat, water weight.   think I gained like 7 or 8 pounds.  Not all girls gain weight though.  Some lose weight and some stay the same.

  22. my b***s grew!

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