
Do girls on loestrin 24 gain weight?

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  1. The brand of pill is academic; it's the hormones contained in the pill that cause cravings, which in turn cause over-eating.  It isn't specific to a brand of pill, and it doesn't happen to all women.

    Just be VERY aware of what goes in your mouth, be sure to exercise daily and you'll be fine.  Remember, all birth control methods contain ZERO calories, so it's not the pill itself that causes weight's FOOD.

  2. I went on Loestrin 21, its the same thing only less medicine in it. I gained between 10-20pounds. Everyones different, one of my friends said she gained like 5 and another said none, ive also heard people saying 25... All birth controls can cause weight gain thou.

    You may get bigger b***s too:P

  3. I started the same prescription two months ago, and I've lost weight...just a few pounds but that's still something!

    But I have had huge food cravings, so if you are easily tempted (like me!) invest in gum or other low fat snacks when the cravings hit. I've eaten my weight in fruits/vegetables and not felt guilty so good luck!

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