
Do girls thing it's cute when guys act a little nervous?

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I was talking to this girl I have no problem being myself around girls and I wasn't nervous talking to her or anything but on when I was leaving I walked in to a glass door and when Iooked back she started girls find things like that cute in some way?




  1. I think it's cute. It can get a bit awkward and uncomfortable if it gets to be too much, but in general I like it when a guy is a bit intimidated by me. It means he really likes me and isn't just trying to play me. So yes, I think it is cute =)

  2. YES! i think that is adorable

  3. yes they do but...

    too much of it can get u into the: you're just like a brother zone to most girls and no1 wants that...

  4. yes girls mostly like nervous boy`s

  5. uh-huh,(:

  6. It of my best guy friends giggles like a girl when he gets nervous. I love him to death....but it's a really irritating laugh

  7. yeah when boys act all nervous its the cutest thing! cos it means they really really like us and dont want to embarass themsleves but its cute when they do anyway!

  8. yes i think it's adorable! it's also a good way for me to clearly tell that a guy is into me, which is good because sometimes i'm so oblivious to things like that (and i know i'm not the only girl), and sometimes is can be REALLY hard to tell if a guy likes you and that could ruin the chances of dating each other. so for me not only is it cute, but super helpful!  

  9. i think it is.

  10. personally i think its hilarious if guys are trying to be cool or trying to impress someone and then mess up, its more of a turn off. but its cute if stuff like that is done unintentionally.

  11. yes its cute

  12. yep its cute

  13. In my opinion I think it is cute.

    When a man is nervous it shows that he cares about how you are feeling towards him.

    Of course some young women out there like the whole "bad boy" cocky ego inflated types. Those guys come off really full of themselves . Those Girls like them but do not realize that the only reason those guys act so cocky and comfortable is because they don't give a c**p about her longterm because they only want to get in her pants. Its been my experience that the nervous men, have made the better boyfreinds.

    Go ahead and be a little nervous. As long as your still freindly, smile and can laugh with her, she'll be at ease.

  14. no u gotta have confidence

  15. haha yeah. thats cutee.

  16. Sometimes... there's nothing to fear I guess.

  17. Some girls do others don't.

  18. i would think of that as cute but im sure u were really embarassed

  19. i definitely do, becuase i know ill do something like that and it makes me feel more confortable around that person.

  20. haha yeah it's cute. but running into a glass door is just funny :D

  21. Dude...she thought you were a klutz...

  22. well yea cause if ur nervous it means u like them...and she wasnt giggling caus eit was cute....she was giglingause its funny to see guys make a fool of srry but its the truth lol

  23. it is so cute i love it  

  24. yes


  25. yes,we find it very cute!lol

  26. it depends if your hot! ya in some way we know that you like us when you act nervous so were like aww hes sooo cute!!!

  27. I don't think nervous is the kinda thing that girls would like but it is cute when they do stupid things yes. =]

  28. yeah in a way its very cute :)

  29. yes girls think its cute especially when the girl is nervous herself then she doesn't feel alone in being nervous  

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