
Do girls think six packs are nasty?

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Do girls think six packs are nasty?




  1. are you serious?! six packs are so sexyyyy

  2. h**l no. they are sexiii

  3. I think the girl who told you that was being a sarcastic funny person.

  4. Some girls do, But I and all the girls I know most certainly do not!

  5. go to womens health and ask.this has nothing to do with mens health and most females that are here answering questions are exactley what you said "girls".

  6. Heck no, most girls love them (on guys).

  7. No

  8. i think there so hott.

    it just shows us girls that youu can keep control of your body and muscles =]=]

  9. More like s**y!

  10. No, I think they are HOT

  11. there's nothing wrong with a guy having a six pack, the problem comes when he's overly obsessed with his body/working out.. etc.

  12. NO are you kidding me? Its ****** s**y!!!!!!!!!! YOUR HOTT

  13. noooooooo

    well, at least i don't.

    i know some people who

    don't like them though.


  14. Fukc no! ur pic is lookin pretty Hott!!!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥

  15. Hah no.

    Six packs make a guy way hotter.


  17. why would you want a six pack when you could have a barrel?! lol  

  18. It depends how severe they are, like if they're really cut and defined I think its kinda ugly. A little bit of tone is good, it shows that he cares but if he has a 6 pac and he's really ripped then it shows hes obsessed about his image. I know Ill get thumbs down for that but its just how I feel.  

  19. no

    well most girls like them.

    i know i do

  20. sum girls do but most don't

  21. No!!!

  22. i think as long as a guy is toned its fine. really really chiseled TO ME is kinda nasty especially if the guy tries to flaunt it a lot but others like my cousin think the more chiseled and defined the better. it really just depends but i don't think many girls fall for the out of shape guy who doesn't even try. i think also as long as your happy with your shape she wont care

  23. no way, they are a turn on for me, deff. (:



  24. Most wouldn't! I think they do look good on the right guy but they don't feel so great. I wouldn't really want a partner to have one, but I guess I wouldn't mind if he did.


  25. NO!

    To me, notthing is a bigger turn on than a six pack on a guy.

    if you've got a six pack, I don't even care about your face as much


  26. I like a somewhat defined tummy on a grown man. I don't like body builder tummies.

  27. Uhhhh NO

  28. My wife loves my six pack and thinks it s**y but that just my wife .

  29. Umm, why? If its on a body then it cannot be nasty but if you are talking about beer then that is nasty!

  30. Coming from a g*y guy, I think six-packs are hot. So I would say girls find it hot.

  31. only superficial sl.uts....and you look g*y

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