
Do give Money to a Charity?

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Do give Money to a Charity?




  1. Yes, the one that begins at home.

  2. Yes. I do it monthly

  3. Yes, every few weeks. I am always mailing something, whether it be a check, teddy bears, baby clothes, toys and games, coloring books, or arts and crafts material.

  4. we have a set amount in april that we donate to seperate causes. my home number is the same as my business number so i get calls daily. once the set amout goes i have to say no. my kids do alot of fundraising events for special care baby unit at my local hospital cos my son was born at 25 weeks and was in there for 6 months so we give as much as possible to them.

  5. I believe everyone should give at least 10% of their income to worthwhile chairaty not to some fantasy face in the sky.

  6. Yes i usually always do, if i can afford to of coarse

    but i am afraid charity starts at home!!!!

  7. yes D.D monthly to the children's society.!!!!!!!!

  8. I don't have much money, but every month I try to give to one charity or another.

  9. Yes, I like to give money, but rather than put pennies in the small boxes you see, I prefer to send a larger donation and let them claim the tax back as well, that way they get more. When anyone dies, we always check if there is an option to send money rather than flowers. And I do phone donations for appeals on tv. I do collect all my small change, and take it to the local supermarket coin changer - again if you select to give to charity they do not take anything out of it, and I send in the small slip for reclaiming the tax again on that, (my jug collects about £11 plus when full, which I was really surprised about, so worth doing).

  10. If you go onto this website you can give money for the following charities just by clicking, it costs you nothing and you know you have done some good.


    Breast Cancer

    Children's Health



    Animal Rescue

    I go on each time I switch on my computer. The site is

  11. Yes

    Cancer Research

    Animal Welfare

    British Legion

  12. Yes, always have and if I can, always will.

  13. yeas, if I fill it a appropriate charity

  14. Yes.

  15. yes i do, i always give to the childrens charitys

  16. I used to be against giving money to charity,you know... the usual lackadaisical selfish attitude,which is now the norm in our society,but hey! things happen in your life,that let's just say change your whole viewpoint.I now give regularly by direct debit monthly,to the disabled children's charity Scope,which you don't really miss and it's really making a difference,imagine if we all did this how much better life will be for people who don't have the gift of complete mobility and brain development! All you have to do is choose a charity which you really believe in,or is close to your heart people! I also now buy the Big Issue as often as i can,£1.50 and the seller can earn some cash legitimately instead of begging,it also has very good classified ads detailing organisations that you can volunteer for,only a few hours a week of your time,and this is something that i will be participating in shortly feels good to give something back,instead of single-mindedly just ploughing through life ,only concerned with your own personal wealth and self,I find it makes me feel good to have helped in some way,I have changed you can too people! when the day of final reckoning comes,whenever that may be! your points for tally will be greater than the one against! .........aurevoir!

  17. Yes

  18. No.

    College is pretty expensive, and I'm already about $40,000 in debt with a year left to go. I haven't eaten anything but ramen noodles, milk, and Mike's hard lemonade in about 3 days.

    I volunteer at the food bank as well as a few other places.

    Also, I'm more of an activist. I encourage the government to change so that some charities would become unnecessary because people wouldn't be poor/hungry/sick

  19. Yes Jim, I do.  However I donate my time too.  I volunteer for 60 hours a month, sometimes more to help victims of disaster, home fires and in the office of American Red Cross.

    Most charities would not be able to survive without volunteers doing the work that their "mission statement" states.  I love being able to help someone in a time of crisis, I know the people will never remember me, however, I hope that by helping them, they will think highly of the organization I represent..Perhaps sometime in the future, they will want to be a volunteer as well and when things are better in their life, they would make a small donation to help others affected like they were.

  20. Yes,especially charities that cater to Hungry American Children(we need to work on taking care of our own first and foremost)

    1.Feed The Children

    2.St. Judes Hospital(no child is turned away due to lack of finances)

  21. yes i do

  22. Yes, my husband and I regularly donate to local charities, national charities, and one international charity.

  23. i have monthly direct debits to 4 charities, children x 2, altzimers and cancer.

  24. Yes. When I see a poor person I buy them food or clothing, or a bus pass

  25. yep, direct debit to the Blue Cross every month.

    can't resist animal charities, makes me sick how people can treat them - its horrible.

  26. I have little in the way of monies to donate. I am a retired Nurse and I know first hand of the benefit that my fellow seniors gain from a hand to hold and a tender touch, a kind voice when all else seems so hopeless so that is what I do. I have an area home that I go to and family must take me so they participate and I Hope that they too are learning from the experience. Thanks for all you do. No matter how hopeless it may seem for any of us at times, there is someone out there that will benefit from whatever we can give.

  27. Strictly speaking, charities are a good thing. However a lot of people won't realise that when you give, let's say £1.00 to charity, usually 70-80% goes to 'administration'. The big charities have hundreds of professional fundraisers who need paying. The big boss of the RSPCA, for instance, has a chauffer driven Jaguar to get him around.

    So whilst i do give to charity i'm more interested in the proportion of the amount i give going to the 'cause' rather than to pay for the professionals who ask for the money.

  28. I say that charity starts at home. Due to this fact I give to to the M.E fund each pay day......

    Ha Ha Ha...

  29. concern and SOS childrens villages every month

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