
Do glasses/contacts actually make your vision worse?

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Someone told me that wearing glasses or contacts can make your eyesight weaker because your eyes get used to them. Is this true at all? My vision is not 100%, but it's not horrible would it be worth it to get glasses or contacts?




  1. Yes- thats why you shouldn't use distance glasses (if you are shortsighted) for close work like reading- this cause eyestrain and your vision to go bad forcing you to be more dependent on glasses to see. I think you should get glasses but only use them when you really need for activities like looking the blackboard or driving etc. Contacts are more riskier to use than glasses and can make your eyes go bad quicker as you can't take them out when you do close work.  

  2. Our vision naturally gets weaker as we age. If you are young with weak vision and are prescribed glasses or contacts you should wear them! They help you to be able to see properly. If you decide not to wear them your vision will deteriorate even more quickly! I don't know who told you that but I don't think they went to medical school or anything, right?....  Good luck. I hope this helps.

  3. In truth, your best bet is to ask this of your optometrist. The answer varies due to the severity of the visual needs, as it is indeed possible to 'train' your eyes to become lazy by wearing a prescription that is too strong or only designed for certain types of use.

    For instance, wearing distance-vision corrective glasses while on the computer or reading will force you to over-focus, causing strain on your eyes. Eventually, this will train your eyes to need the distance prescription for the closer tasks, effectively weakening your vision.

    Again, it's best to determine with your doctor what the best use of and amount of use of the corrective lenses is needed. Only the two of you will be able to correctly answer that.

    Still a good idea to get your eyes checked yearly, even if you don't need corrective lenses.

  4. I don't think they make your vision worse...

    I just think they make you realise that your vision wasn't as good as you thought it was.

  5. i don't think it really makes it worse it's just that you get used to the glasses and when you're without them you can REALLY tell the difference. i think that's all that really changes; you perception.

    all in all, i think you should at least TRY glasses. you may just be amazed by the difference they can make (even if you don't think you really need them) and how much you actually may need them. lol

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