
Do god really exist? is there really spiritual beings in our universe? i just can't seem to

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is there really spiritual beings in our universe? i just can't seem to get myself to believe in these things...




  1. I believe so, but honestly I think that you should consider it for yourself. People can try as they may to convince you to believe whatever they do, but I think that it would be more beneficial for you to not be told what to believe and why. It would be good for people to pose reasons for their beliefs but to not enforce their opinions on you. If you are truly pondering this thought, than I'm sure after careful consideration (and hopefully more answers ^^) you will come to a conclusion that will truly satisfy yourself. Have fun  

  2. i believe and He exist.  

  3. No one will every truly know... at least no one here on earth.  and if you think about it if we did know this question wouldn't be asked!

    one of life's mystery's  

  4. It's a very critical question...I haven't seen GOD but i do belive there's must be some super natural power in the Universe...

    of whom people of different religion worship  with different name...

    hope u also felt something unnatural in ur life...

    questions comes in my mind

    Why things happen when we least expect them?

    -there must be many questions may comes in your mind which u've noticed in ur life but can't find any answer....

    For instance read this article written by Paul Davis..

    I'm giving u the link below:-

  5. Just look out your window and look at the world and into outer space. Now can you imagine all this coming from no where. God is in your heart and loves you. If you listen he will talk to you, not with words, but spiritually. Talk to him often and he will listen.  

  6. You're alright, i don't either but i do talk to my granny sometimes, she died about 11 years ago. I never talk to "God" I used to but somethin happened that i just don't believe in it anymore.

    Ha ha! i have to laugh when people say "well who made this and that" apparently no christians believe in evolution. There's tonnes of proof of evolution but where's the proof of "God" it's just a myth, yes, there was once a man called Jesus Christ and i believe he was a good person but people started adding their own stories and they came up with the bible. But then again i have nothing against people that belive but when someone asks what's the most important thing to you in this world and someone says "God, my parents, etc i just think that's bull, i'd never put a myth or even if there was such a person ahead of my parents.

  7. Its a matter of faith.

    If you do not beleive then that is fine.

    If someone else does beleive then thats fine.

    What important is that you don;t let other people's belives tarnish your opinion of the other person.

  8. Why ponder questions beyond knowledge when the application of humanistic principles in daily life is so lacking?

  9. If its what you believe in :)  

  10. i believe so my dear

    i shall never doubt god for shall he put me in this life

    i mean now we are in the 21st cent. we have logic

    3000 years ago

    nothing was logical

    so NOW we wonder eh?

  11. Depending on what or who you call GOD is where the answer lies. Now there are without a doubt spritual beings on the earth but do not be decieved for all are not good, some are fnfact demonic, demons. BELIEVE me the devil is real. There are sooo many different religions and false idols but if your refering to my God then YES he does exist and he is SOO real.

    Now im not here to bash any other religions or offend anyone in any way because that is not what i believe in moraly or religiously. I just want to shed a little light upon the dark without being ridiculed.

    Now, not only does God exist but also his son Jesus Christ. And without belief in Jesus, there is no belief in God. Before you skip this long excerpt I wrote I will let it be known that NO im not some evangelist type person whos been into church all my life, in fact Im only 21 years old but I know that God is the path to the truth, light, and Heaven. I too, sat in your same exact position not long ago really questioning the fact when..... the ANSWER was finally revealed to me, right infront of my eyes.

    This is a great question and the answer entails so many detail, a journey. Oh trust me I know how it feels to be lost and confused about certain things that comes along with christianity, with religion itself.  I too use to question God and the validity of the Bible. I mean hey any normal person would, how could all of this God talk be true with all of this CRAZINESS going on in the world?

    Its all according to your faith and that is the very first thing one must have before they can truly understand the realness and the seriousness that is bound to unfold before our eyes.

    Open up a bible and read. You will be amazed at what this book, created some 2000 years ago predicted would happen and is  happening now. Your questions will truly be answered when you are enlightened. Until then you will definately not understand-

  12. We all are spiritual beings. We are made up of mind, body and soul. We are a part of a greater being...the source from which we came.

    I do believe that God does exist.

  13. I don't know if there is a god but since every single human society that have ever existed since humans developed into Homo Sapiens (we evolved, just like every other animal - unless you want to believe that the fossils were planted hundreds of thousands of years ago to trick us) had some sort of religious beliefs then there must be something else behind our existence.

    There must be something embedded in our subconscious that tells us that that their is more to our existence than the physical aspect.

    Or maybe due to our high order intellect we have the ability to think: 'where did we come from?', 'why are we here?', and 'is there a god and afterlife?'.

    Humans have always been dependent on leaders (ever since we lived in tribes) to offer guidance and security and so maybe we believe there is a god or gods that act as our spiritual leader?

  14. well who made the land and the people and creatures and thought how the body would work and how the world would work well just thing who else could make this world and the stuff on it just believe in what you want to believe we should find out when we die

  15. Look within yourself. Deep down inside you know.

  16. There is a consensus among many scientists and engineers that there is no convincing scientific proof for the existence of God, as generally defined by the great monotheistic religions.

    But theists argue that the existence of God as understood by mainstream religion is provable beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law type venue and that the non-existence of God cannot be proven scientifically.

    Others say that God, if he exists, has a non-interference directive.

    However, many scientists are persuaded that God indeed does exist.

    The simplest answer to your question is, "I do not know."

    One exponent of the above-mentioned monotheistic religions would say that God, the creator of the space-time continuum, is himself beyond same and is therefore beyond the limits of the scientific method to measure.

    There are some things we accept the existence of which are beyond the ken of science to totally explain. One is Love.

    Yours is a great question.

    Many folks believe that humankind was created by finite, superhuman beings/entities/creatures.

    The speculation goes on.

    If religion or theism can give you comfort in your life, I would not let the lack of conclusive scientific evidence stop you from exercising faith.

    Many humanists who cannot bring themselves to believe in God nevertheless believe in the power of  love and kindness to create a better world.

    Many persons who believe in God lead productive, happy, joy-filled lives.

    Me? If we simply forever cease to exist when we die, then so be it.

    If we were in fact created by an all-powerful God who is infinitely kind, loving, and lovable, and who has a grand future of everlasting life in Bliss awaiting us, right on!

    But I don't know.

  17. god really exist.but there is need to feel them your inside soul.

  18. well i believe god is there some where i dont know why but i feel it and it makes me comfertable

  19. people have been debating this for centuries. an invisible person that sees and know all? but still, where did the universe come from/ the first cell that later developed into ever thing we know now? no one knows. you have to decide what easiest for you to believe.

  20. well, in my opinion he does. It's just a matter of faith. Although I cannot see him, i trust that there is someone up there guiding me every time i'm down. I believe that although i cannot talk to him, he talks to me through my conscience. I believe that even though i cannot touch him, he touches my heart and touches my life. And that even though i did not taste his flesh and his blood, i taste something sacred from him like the wine and host. :]

  21. no. lies. seriously.  

  22. God does exist. You don't have to have scientific proof for that. The bible makes perfect sense. In the  book of genesis it explains how god created the earth. I remember when i was much younger i had doubts, but then my parents told me to look up at the sky... How did it get there? Think about the mountains the oceans how did it get there? How can you look at the beauty of life and say there is no god. Everything had a begining, it did not just pop up there. A house did not build itself....  SOMEONE build it. It was constructed. It did not just poof there. Everything has a creator. A cadillac did not form into clumps of atoms and then BAM! there goes a car. Instead, it was INVENTED.

  23. YH


  24. No one really knows you cant really prove anything can you  

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