
Do goldfish eat tropical flakes?

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I have a tropical fish tank set up and added 2 goldfish today. They seemed to be going well. I have 4 angels, 4 clown loaches, 2 silver sharks, 3 congos, 1 sucking catfish and 6 livebearers. 3 livebearers have been seperated from goldfish as they kept picking.

I was just wondering if they would eat freshwater tropical flake. Also, what other foods can they eat?




  1. I dont think that having goldfish with tropicals are a good idea, I know that goldfish make ammonia levels much higher than a normal tank because they are SO messy...

    It's not good to feed them tropical fish food as it wont have the right nutrients meant for goldfish.

    I mean it wont hurt them, but long term, you should really invest in a goldfish tank if you want to have goldfish.

    If you have a common goldfish it's going to need more than a 10 gallon tank all to itself, so if you have two your looking at at least a 30 gallon tank, and really you will need a 55.

    You must have a HUGE tank already, you have ALOT of fish in there!

    Yes it's going well now because the goldfish have not had time to mess up your water too much.

    I suggest taking them out. Seriously.

  2. I also suggest you take them out, although they are fine at the moment, being in with tropicals is dangerous for the goldfish plus they will not be getting the right food or environment to thrive =]

  3. goldfish will eat anything since you have a mixed tank don't on others but goldfish eat breads, fruits, cabbage, peas.  

  4. Never mix tropical && cold water fish. Goldfish need cold water to thrive while tropical fish need warm water. They eat different types of food && need different types of nutrition. Goldfish food also has ingredients that help prevent a lot of common diseases that Goldfish get pretty often. Not just all that, but Goldfish produce high amounts of ammonia that can harm your other more delicate tropical fish.I highly suggest you remove the goldfish && place them in their own (very large) tank. Good luck =]

  5. No maybe one or two days,they are alge eatters you can try putting a piece of Iceburg lettuce in.

                              Debbie O

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