
Do golf cadys drive the golfcart for the golfer sometimes, how old do u have to be to drive a golf cart?

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by the way mr.flatstick I DID get the job so ha!!




  1. OK person forget it.  You would rather sit at home and ask question about caddying to a computer than actually go outside and do anything.  First you want to know if you get to drive the cart, then when eveyone tells you no you want to know how much the bag weighs.  Forget it - leave the caddy jobs to someone who is willing to work.  You will never make a good caddy anyway.  Prove me wrong - get off your butt and go do it.

  2. No, the caddy does not drive the cart. The caddy carries the clubs and bag while the golfers walk. A caddy will also recommend which club to use, help read the green and offer other advice.

    If carts are required, a fore caddy may be used. The fore caddy will position himself about 275 yards up the fairway and watch where the balls land. As the golfers approach the green the fore caddy will be closer to the green. He will point out the balls for each golfer. This speeds play and allows for more starting times, more golfers and more revenue for the course.

  3. Caddies do not drive golf carts. In CT the person must have a valid drivers license to drive a golf cart, even when playing with a responsible adult. The law is often violated but can be enforced.

  4. Above answers are good regarding caddies... The age to drive a golf cart depends on a couple things.

    1 - public course:  99% chance that the driver must have a state issued drivers license.  Many courses will also add a minimum age (e.g. 18).

    2 - private club: May drop this lower depending on equity ownerships, club rules, any road access/crossings.

    With all that said, my son learned to drive a cart at 6, so I suppose old enough to reach the pedals.  = )

  5. 18 years old to drive the cart

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