
Do golf courses ...?

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Do they set poison to repel birds...or to help control how many come to live there? I found a young sparrow by the golf course that had some green substance that jammed its beak shut. We fixed it...but it seems to have gotten poisoned by the green substance...please help me figure out what it was




  1. Yes.  Some golf courses and other business do use a poison to control pigeons.   It's called avitrol and is coated on feed corn.  It's horrible, and can poison other birds.  

    Birds who are poisoned usually appear confused and disoriented.

    Another cause could be herbicides and pesticides, that are used to treat the lawns.  These may also be toxic to birds.

    Not sure if the bird you found was poisoned, but it is a possibility.

  2. Golf courses cannot legally put out posion for birds..all wild native birds are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, any bird that is harmed, or killed is punishable by fine or jail time.  Some may put out poison for rodents that birds or mammals may get into.  There are laws about this as well,  as birds can be affected by ingesting the poison directly or by secondary exposure by eating a poisoned rodent.  If they are setting out poison, you should contact your local US Fish and Wildlife Service office or Dept. of Natural Resources to make sure this is even legal.   Golf courses can sometimes obtain permits to kill birds such as coots that hang around there ponds and and leave waste everywhere.  They must go through legal means to do this however, and the birds are usually shot  as the permits do NOT allow poisons to be used to do this.

  3. I believe they do it's  the same as putting spikes on buildings to stop the pigeons some people do not like wildlife near their property they're just money hungry you should find out what type of poison it is though definitely to try to help it.
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