
Do good people always do right acts?

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What is the relationship, if any, between good people and right acts? What is a good person? What is a right act?




  1. i think you need to explain what you mean by right acts? acts of kindness, oor the thing that is right to do?

  2. If everyone always did right acts it wouldn't be a wrong world.  

  3. Everybody is a good person. Some people just happen to do so many bad stuff that society qualifies them as "bad". A doctor (MD) may have been really selfish in the past, and something click that made him decide to help other people, a criminal after serving his time might change the life of somebody I think no.

  4. Are you talking about Hitler's goodness or  Mother Theresa's? Both claimed to be  doing good things?

    So goodness is a thorny area (Like a guy said up 2-3 ago) but a little more thought  was elicited on my accoumt It is a tiugh quertio that people have been asking for years. You must  make it  objective  by  defining  wrong  and  then comming  to a conclusion as  being "Good" And I know it looks easy but I am sure it isn't

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