
Do good things really come to those who wait?

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ive been waiting for about 4 years now and still nothing lol




  1. NO you have to make them happen

    and when you've done all you could to make

    them happen and you cant do anything else

    then you wait

    so like yeah

  2. I think you need to focus on your goal and make it happen yourself

  3. from what i've heard, good things come to those who wait. but waiting doesn't mean not doing anything to let that good thing happen. As we wait, we must also do some effort for that certain thing that we've been hoping to come. With enough patience, determination and trust to our God, not just good thing will come...but even the best ones.

    hope this helped.

  4. its not necessarily waiting its ceasing the right can wait for a better opportunity but dont wait and expect things to get better...taking action is usually an important step

  5. no it's a myth. what you do is what you get. so do things don't wait like a loser. good luck.

  6. It depends what you're waiting for. But usually when you wait for things they mean so much more when you finally achieve them. Don't let good things pass you by. If you always wait then you will never get the good thing.

  7. NO.

  8. No, life isn't automatic.

    You've got to do it all by yourself. (:

  9. yea i think so, my teacher was waiting for yrs to have a baby....and she finally got one!!!!

  10. Are you thinking religiously? That depends on your belief.

    For example, karma, is the belief that if "you do one good deed, than you will be repaid in return, someday."

    Life is a strange thing, so maybe your day will come soon! Anyway, it depends on what you're waiting for.

  11. sometimes, sometimes not just have wo wait and see lol

  12. there's a saying in my language...

    translated litterally it says: those who wait, will be rewarded.

    another version of the saying is slightly different...

    if translated it says: those who wait, will rot.

    heh... i guess it depends on what you are waiting for exactly... if it is something which you can do nothing about, you have to wait, whether you want to or not.  but if it is something which you can do something about... well then hurry up and do it, dont wait for eternity because then eternity will come and you'd still be waiting!!!

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