
Do governers have more experience than senators?

by Guest64859  |  earlier

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Do governers have more experience than senators?




  1. Yes

    Governors run small versions of the country, are in charge of their own military entities and are able to form treaties with foreign governments

    Congress around voting on other people ideas and try to come with some of their own and search for projects to spend taxpayer money on to benefit their hone states

  2. Only if they've been serving as long.. if you have a senator who's been in office for a long time, obviously they have more experience..  

  3. My father says yes because governors work more than senators.  Governors work daily and make decisions on a regular basis.  Where as senators work the equivalent of 3 days a week and they get the summer off.  They work on legislation and don't really make big decisions that a governor would make.  I understand what my father is saying but does that governor get experience in foreign policy and affairs???

  4. In some way they do. Governers have a state to run senators are there to help there state out. Like President who in charge of the country the Governer is in charge of there state. So when it comes to budget and other things that run are country I would trust a Govener to be in charge of a senator who has to make a bill and get it approve President and Governer just send the bill to the house to take care of it faster.  

  5. YES...

    Governor is a CEO (Elected) of the State,,,Very simple....

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