
Do graphic designers have anything to do with video games?

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and what are the most common types of jobs that people who major in graphic design do?




  1. Not really, not with the game itself. The graphics in video games are handled by 3-D artists an animators. Graphic designers generally work in 2-D, meaning they could be involved with the packaging design of a video game, or the creation of magazine ads, store displays, etc. to help promote the game.

    Most graphic designers work in the print industry - either for an agency or production house, a company's in-house marketing department, or independently (freelancing).

  2. do you think we have game characters and stuff...graphic them and put them on the game in pixels lol...and most of them do designs for games, commercials, etc.

  3. A graphics designer usually will help make the covers for the boxes of games.

    Help with commercials and especially with the websites, they may help make textures and the like for in game.

    But most people who work on characters in game are also graphics designers along with being whatever other skill that is required

    Good luck =]

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