
Do great ideas generally occur from a monent of ingenuity or from a long methodical process?

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Do great ideas generally occur from a monent of ingenuity or from a long methodical process?




  1. from both

  2. i'd say it's pretty even, but there has been some cool stuff that was invented/discovered by accident.  Check out a book called Serendipity: Accidental Discoveries in Science for some good ones.  Penicillin was actually discovered because the lab assistant for Sir Alexander Fleming was being lazy one friday and didn't wash off some lab dishes, when they came back on monday (or a few days later) the dishes had mold growing on them except for a ring in which the growth was inhibited.  They starting testing it and made the discovery!

  3. I think I would have to say, both.  Perhaps more from the spontaneous side of you but still both.

  4. Both.

  5. sometimes both. I originally thought of the idea about "Heelies" but when I was 13 years old and had no money or any way to create the idea from a sketch. Most of my ideas come from my dreams, believe it or not. If you need a really good idea and you have the money to promote it, I have several hundred.

  6. long periods of spontanuity

  7. great ideas happen in a room full of stoned dudes in a secret govt. area

  8. Great ideas come from the creative side, mostly in the theta state. Simply put.

  9. Great ideas occur when you are bored.

  10. Yes    :-)


    i'm too d@mn impatient!

  12. BOTH, and the two other factors are brilliance and cross-pollination from other brilliant people.

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