
Do great minds deal with lesser minds? Is it hard to hide disappointment/disdain for lack of quality thinking?

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I'm not referring to myself, please... This is a philosophical question, which I should have posted there but that I've posted too many there tonight.




  1. Defiantly great minds deal with lesser minds.How?,all these writers and inventors do these for the sake of every body else including the lesser minds.they also trickle their ideas down to the lesser minds,one way or the other.

    I would say its not hard and not right to hide disappointment, but it would be good to let the person know using the good approach, i.e, not making the person look like the most foolish.

  2. The heart is more important than the intellect in terms of whether the person is "quality".  I've had to endure the company of numerous psychopaths in training with quite high IQs.  Being able to debate brilliantly, and conjure up creative  scams for defrauding others and becoming rich, does not a worthwhile human make.

    Then there's "compassion". Just because you can think circles around another does not warrant arrogance, or denigrating the "other".

    Finally, i have met many brilliant artists, whose right brain approach to life, but lack of verbal eloquence and "analytical" skills, might mark them as "slow".  But in the final analysis, they are always better connected to "soul" than their "brilliant" left brained peers, most of whom wind up being greedy, dysfunctional, emotionally immature leaders in business, religion, government and finance.

    This is exactly why our planet is in such trouble. It is owned and run by high IQ, hyper left brained ego ridden psychopaths with no conscience, consciousness, morals or maturity.  And that's a fact  :))

  3. they do- although it can get incredibly tedious and they wish that they could share intelligent conversations about non-material things and the like.

    It is very hard to hide this disdain for me, and I am going insane.

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