
Do green tea drinks have the same benefits as plain tea.?

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I bought Crystal Light drink singles in green tea. Does it have the same benefits as brewed green tea?




  1. depends, if its naturally flavored, probably, if its not, and its all artificially flavored, probably not.  either way, it will have chemical perservatives and unheathly sweeteners.

  2. The reason green tea has so many health benefits is that it contains antioxidants, substances that prevent the cells in the body from being broken down.

    Crystal Light drinks and similar products are heavily processed, sweetened and homogenized, and even if the drink is based on green tea, the tea is strongly diluted and processed. Antoxidants are complex chemicals that can't take much processing before they break down into other substances without health benefits.

    For that reason, Crystal Light and other preprocessed iced teas and soft drinks based on tea do not contain nearly as much antioxidants as freshly brewed green tea, and the health benefits are much weaker, if they exist at all.

    Commercially available pre-mixed drinks and powders are also frequently full of artificial additives, and the long term effects of artificial sweeteners like aspartame are still unknown.

    I guess this is not what you wanted to hear, but Crystal Light and similar products are no substitute for real green tea in terms of health benefits.

    If you don't like the grassy taste of green tea (many people don't), one alternative is white tea, which has three times the antioxidant content of green tea, but a much milder, fresher taste. It is the healthiest tea there is.

  3. Traditionally brewed green tea is usually best, whereas other methods/teas are cheaper/easier/faster.

  4. It may but it probably has a lot of sugar.

  5. Yes. It is still green tea. Even if hte Crystal Light process took away some of the nutrients, as does procesing of most foods and drinks already do, it will still have enough to have the same benefits as if you brewed it yourself.

  6. green tea is better for your system and doesnt hav as much sugar so no they dont have the same benefits

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