
Do greys like getting probed as much as they like to probe?

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Do greys like getting probed as much as they like to probe?




  1. Of course they like it, thats why they do it! Their just trying to get people to probe them back!

  2. the "grey birds " are shy and ticklish.

  3. Not at all, if they can they will give you false images. Most emphatically NO!

    The only people that Aliens fear are remote viewers and those that can see them for what they are.

  4. squirrels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Did you ever see that episode of the "Simpsons" where Ned and Homer accidentally marry two girls in Vegas?   At the end, they make up a story about why there were gone and Homer suggest that they were kidnapped by aliens.. and Ned goes,"Do I really have to be gang-probed"... hahaha that makes me laugh all the time.  Your question just made me think of it.  Thanks and happy trails.

  6. Since the paranormal comes under the science section I think we need to approach this question scientifically.

    You ask if greys like getting probed and I think the first thing that we should establish is whether probing can be pleasant for any known organism.

    Do you think a survey would suffice, or should we do some exploratory trials?

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