
Do grief and depression go hand in hand always?

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Can you be grieving and not really depressed?

I lost my first grandchild to stillbirth on August 9,and now that the numbness is kind of subsiding,I am suffering from wanting to isolate myself,anger,and what feels like the beginnings of depression.I am trying to be strong for my daughter,and I have 3 younger children to be here for also...but I am very weak deep down.




  1. It will take some time to really feel all your feelings when you're grieving, and when you do, they will be strong at times, and weaker other times. It's very natural, given what has happened. Grief and acute? depression tend to go hand in hand, but after a month or so, it should change into other feelings. If it doesn't, then there is more to the depression than your grief. Although you will always miss that baby.

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