
Do guardian angels/spirit guides really exist?

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I'm more of a spiritual person than religious. I've been wondering lately if there is evidence that guardian angels/spirit guides are really there watching and guiding you the whole time?

I've been questioning it because I've gone through a rough and challenging year - with a family member diagnosed with cancer, a grandma passed away this summer, lost 2 close friends over some silly misuderstanding and a relationship that didnt worked out?




  1. you would have to be religious to believe in Angels and Spirits. You cant pick and choose what you want to, otherwise your cheating your own soul. Life happens, people come and go in your lifetime, loved ones pass on.  You go on and dont place blame, just live. Sorry for your losses.

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  3. yes they do..there is evidence... its just whether you come across it or not.

  4. I think there is something out there that really exist.During these hard times you will only find it much harder to try to figure things out on your own....what you need to do is be open and ask for help and surrender yourself , I believe  that there is something much more powerful than all of us that can help you along a good, joyous and healthy path! Good Luck!!

  5. Yes they are all around you.In and out of life.

  6. The only good answer here is that nobody knows.

    Skeptics say there is no evidence (about everything including this).

    Believers often tell about personal experiences that convinced them that prayers were answered or angels exist.

    This is a matter of faith and personal belief.

    I do wish whatever path you take leads you to both comfort for your losses and strength to endure and prosper in the future.

  7. follow you instincts!of course you have guides angles,loved ones ,an your higher power watching over you.yes there are trials,rough seas, and great big mountains to deal with....but remember,everything for a reason.....the powers that be,(organized religion is a little to self serving for me)never give you more than you can handle...and if they shift gears ,so should you.....just remember what gear your in,in the first place.keep the faith in positive,and remember your never alone. Blessed be!

  8. Hello MBM

    Yes, You are spirit yourself.

    I have worked as psychic for many years & teach others, one of the issues I teach is helping others to meet their guides. Its wonderful to see others make first contact.

    You have many, many guides, more than you could ever count. They are with you for many reasons, some for a life time, some for specific reasons & for short durations.

    It is wonderful when developing to have a personal contact, so to speak, on the other side, as it gives a point of focus.

    Those that we love can also be guides, or pop in from time to time. When this happens, you find that spirit take the route of least resistance - happy 'out of the blue' thoughts, smells, memories, dreams etc.

    A guide is a 'guide' in the true for of the word, they can only show, lead they cannot force you to choose. But rest assured that you have many.

    I wish you well


  9. Although I have never seen mine, I have made it through some very strange life/death moments where it went good instead of bad and it probably should not have.

    When ever I think of there being no God I think of the time I was riding dirtbike way out in the middle of nowhere and I was flying along this trail and right in the middle of the trail waving his arms to stop was a guy with no reason to be out there especially right in my path.

    Anyway there was a 400 foot drop just over the next 20 feet of my trail and I did not end up flying over it. I surely would have had no time to stop at the speed I was going if this person was not standing to wave me off.

    It was a deserted beach not a dirtbike place.

    That is one of many weird episodes of me not dying when I felt I should have. I have about 5 experiences where I was saved, not by my own ability but a person I do not know.

  10. To answer your question, no, there is not any evidence that guardian angels exist.  Some people feel comforted by the thought of some supernatural guide looking after them, but there is no reason to think this is anything more than wishful thinking.

    If there are guardian angels, then how does anything bad ever happen to anyone?

  11. the answer is no, if they are guardian why they don't guard the thousand of innocent children that dies every day from starving or bombs.

    you know this is children story to make them feel safe in a aggressive and unfair world it's like tooth fairy tales when they loose their teeth.

  12. Yes.

  13. ok i have to say yes. you should check out some of sylvia browne's books. i'm more spiritual than religious too, and all of her books make sense to me. she says that we chose our lives before we are born. we chose who are parents are, our challenges we are going to face, our health problems, money problems, family problems, ect. and she says that we have a spirit guide that guides all the whole way through this life.

  14. angels are real beings, and can come in any form, but they are beings of bright light...i like dave s.... story, ive had things like that happen to me plenty of times, to save me when i was in terrible was after that, that i actually saw one....i was in my then bed room, at my mums house..i was extremely upset over the loss of someone close to me, i was laying on my bed, crying...the first time i really lost it...i had built a court yard outside my window, in memory of my close friend...i had the window open, when all of a sudden, the brightest light flew through my window, across my bed and out the door...the next day i was thinking of it all day, i wasnt sure how to explain it to my family...then i just had to say something, my step dad, told me he saw it to///he was laying on the couch in the front lounge, he had just woken up, and then all of a sudden, the light just flew through the lounge, right in front of him and out of the front window...i asked him what time did he see it, and sure enough it was the same time as me, around 4am....i was thinking of taking my life that night, not there, but i was thinking of it....after that i felt a close connection to the angels, i researched them, and also came across 3 photos on the web, that showed the same white light that i had seen that night, it showed up in other peoples photos,  exactly the same....i started seeing sparks of light around in the room, this is before all this happened, at first i ignored them, thinking it was my eyes, and shrugged it off....but then my friend was home with me, and she could see the sparks as well, we were both jumping from them, not knowing what was going i know they were an angels pressence, and i still see them, from time to time....also, ive  learnt to take notice of signs, to questions i have, angels communicate in all ways, you just cannt shrug it off as coincidences....i can keep going on about angels, and the encounters ive had with them, but i im not religious at all, nor do i go to church, nor have i ever read the bible...maybe when i was young and lived in italy, but not since.....if you want to learn more about angels...look up..doreen virtue on the net, and she will give you more of an insight into just have to open up the communication between yourself and angels, and youll be surprised at what happens.....hope this has helped you a little more in understanding...

  15. I doubt it. Guardian Angels are not mentioned in the Bible, and they most certainly aren't ghosts of the dearly departed. Spirit guides are more of a meditation tool.

  16. That's really a religious question, since there is no scientific evidence for "spirit guides" or guardian angels. Such things are matters of faith where one believes in them despite the lack of evidence. Do they exist? Some people will tell you yes and others will tell you no, but it's really only up to you and you alone whether you are going to believe in them or not.

  17. I don't think they do.If I'm wrong I wonder what criteria they use to decide who is worthy of help.It doesn't appear to be based on good or evil.Not statistically anyway.

  18. Yeah, I've been learning about them the past year or so. I have no doubt.

    there with you right now.

  19. I fully believe in them...I remember on time my dad was driving and the car in front of us slammed there breaks on...he went between this car and the side rail..didn't hit anything..Looking at the time I didn't think there was even enough room for our car to make it threw the space it had made it threw...heck I still don't know how that happened ..he doesn't either...

  20. Angels do exist, and you don't have to be a religious person for them to help you or come to you. There around you all the time. I'm personally in contact with my set of guardian angels, I have 5 of them that are with me day and night, 2 of whom are my my main spirit guides. They help me in many, many ways. If you need help, all you have to do is ask. They can't help you if you don't ask, as it goes against thier "rules". And 9 times out of 10 their answers are going to come to you in a very subtle fashion--a thought that pops into your head, that makes you feel compelled to do something that fixes one of those problems. Follow any gut feelings you get once you ask and watch your dreams, as my angels communicate to me via dreams. How do you know they're around? If you want them to show themselves to you, you have to ask. Just keep an open mind, because they know you better than you know yourself, and will show themselves to you in a way that's right for you.

    Angels exist, they just tend to work behind the scenes a lot of the time. My main angel guide, he's a very subtle gut instinct feeling.

    Peace, love and light to you and yours.

    BTW...I'm sorry for the loss of your grandmother, and that your family member got diagnosed with cancer. It's an awful disease. Your grandmother...I'm assuming  you  close to her? If you were, know that she is always with you. When you miss her, all you have to do is talk to her, she'll hear you. Then keep open minded; often times you'll just know her repsponse.

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